
What to See in Machrie - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Machrie (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Machrie Moor Stone Circles, King's Cave, and Moss Farm Road Stone Circle. Also, be sure to include Auchagallon Stone Circle in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Machrie (Scotland).

Machrie Moor Stone Circles

Machrie Moor Stone Circles
wikipedia / Bob Jones / CC BY-SA 2.0

Machrie Moor Stone Circles is the collective name for six stone circles visible on Machrie Moor near the settlement of Machrie on the Isle of Arran, Scotland.[1]

Address: Machrie Moor, Machrie

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King's Cave

Tourist attraction in the United Kingdom
wikipedia / Ashley Dace / CC BY-SA 2.0

Tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. King's Cave is the largest of a series of seafront caves north of Blackwaterfoot on the Isle of Arran in Scotland. The caves were formed when melting glaciers resulted in a raised beach due to a process called isostatic rebound. Kilmory Parish church records suggest the cave may have been used for church meetings in the eighteenth century, and it is also said to have been used as a school. Before being known as the King's Cave it was known as Fingal's Cave after Fionn mac Cumhaill.

The current name of the cave is linked to the legend of Robert the Bruce seeking refuge in a cave where he is said to have been inspired by watching a spider's numerous and ultimately successful attempts to build a web, but this story is widely considered apocryphal.

In January 1909, an archeological dig was conducted within the cave. A 32 foot long trench was dug and examined, but aside from a small bronze ornament and some animal bones nothing of interest was found, so the dig was halted on the fourth day.[2]

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Moss Farm Road Stone Circle

Heritage preservation in Scotland
wikipedia / David Baird / CC BY-SA 2.0

Heritage preservation in Scotland. Moss Farm Road Stone Circle is the remains of a Bronze Age burial cairn, surrounded by a circle of stones. It is located near Machrie on the Isle of Arran in Scotland.[3]

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Auchagallon Stone Circle

Auchagallon Stone Circle
wikipedia / David Baird / CC BY-SA 2.0

Auchagallon Stone Circle or Auchengallon cairn is the remains of a Neolithic or Bronze Age burial cairn, surrounded by a circle of fifteen stones. It is located near Machrie on the Isle of Arran in Scotland.[4]

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