
What to See in Lochinver - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Lochinver (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Ardvreck Castle, Suilven, and Falls of Kirkaig. Also, be sure to include RNLI Lochinver Lifeboat in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Lochinver (Scotland).

Ardvreck Castle

Castle in Scotland
wikipedia / Cgfletch / CC BY-SA 3.0

Castle in Scotland. Ardvreck Castle is a ruined castle dating to about 1490 when the lands were owned by the Macleods of Assynt. It stands on a rocky promontory jutting out into Loch Assynt in Sutherland, Scotland. One can reach the ruins by driving along the A837, which follows the north shore of Loch Assynt from the village of Inchnadamph.[1]

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Mountain in Scotland
wikipedia / / CC BY-SA 2.0

Mountain in Scotland. Suilven is a mountain in Scotland. Lying in a remote area in the west of Sutherland, it rises from a wilderness landscape of moorland, bogs, and lochans known as Inverpolly National Nature Reserve. Suilven forms a steep-sided ridge some two kilometres in length. The highest point, Caisteal Liath, lies at the northwest end of this ridge. There are two other summits: Meall Meadhonach at the central point of the ridge is 723 metres high, whilst Meall Beag lies at the southeastern end.[2]

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Falls of Kirkaig

Tourist attraction in Scotland
wikipedia / Paul Hermans / CC BY-SA 3.0

Tourist attraction in Scotland. The Falls of Kirkaig are a waterfall in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland in the county of Sutherland. The fall is located on the River Kirkaig, south by southeast of the village of Lochinver, on the main approach footpath to Suilven mountain. About four miles across the hills to the west is Fionn Loch.[3]

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RNLI Lochinver Lifeboat

RNLI Lochinver Lifeboat
facebook / rnlilochinverlifeboat / CC BY-SA 3.0
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