
What to See in Sheringham - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 6 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Sheringham (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: The Mo Sheringham Museum, Sheringham Little Theatre, and Priory of St Mary in the Meadow. Also, be sure to include Masonic Hall in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Sheringham (England).

The Mo Sheringham Museum

Museum in Sheringham, England
wikipedia / Dave Hitchborne / CC BY-SA 2.0

Museum in Sheringham, England. Sheringham Museum at the Mo is a museum in the town of Sheringham, Norfolk, England. The current museum opened in April 2010 and rehoused the former collection originally held in converted fishermen's cottages behind the main street.[1]

Address: Lifeboat Plain, NR26 8BG Sheringham

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Sheringham Little Theatre

Theatre in Sheringham, England
wikipedia / Northmetpit / Public Domain

Theatre in Sheringham, England. Sheringham Little Theatre is a theatre in Sheringham, Norfolk, England. It stages live theatre and music, and film screenings.[2]

Address: Sheringham, 2 Station Rd, Sheringham NR26 8RE

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Priory of St Mary in the Meadow

wikipedia / Stavros1 / CC BY-SA 4.0

Priory. The Priory of St Mary in the Meadow, also known as Beeston Priory is a former Augustinian Priory, located in the village of Beeston Regis, Norfolk, United Kingdom.[3]

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Masonic Hall

Masonic Hall
wikipedia / stavros1 / CC BY 3.0

The Masonic Hall, Sheringham was built in 1914 to house the Electric Picture Palace.[4]

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Beeston Cliffs

Nature preserve in Sheringham, England
wikipedia / Hugh Venables / CC BY-SA 2.0

Nature preserve in Sheringham, England. Beeston Cliffs is a 10.3-hectare biological and geological Site of Special Scientific Interest in Sheringham in Norfolk. It is a Geological Conservation Review site.

This is the type site for the Beestonian stage of the Early Pleistocene, between around 1.8 and 0.8 million years ago. It has both marine and freshwater deposits. There is a nationally rare plant, purple broomrape, in calcareous grassland on the clifftop.

There is public access to the site.[5]

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Sheringham and Beeston Regis Commons

Sheringham and Beeston Regis Commons
wikipedia / Kolforn / CC BY-SA 4.0

Sheringham and Beeston Regis Commons is a 24.9-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest in Sheringham in Norfolk. It is a Nature Conservation Review site, and part of the Norfolk Valley Fens Special Area of Conservation. and Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

These commons have areas of dry heathland which have several species of breeding birds and reptiles, and wet fen in low-lying areas where there are springs. Calcareous mires have uncommon plants such as butterwort and bog pimpernel.

The site is open to the public.[6]

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