
What to See in Liss - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 6 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Liss (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Wealden Edge Hangers, Liss Riverside Railway Walk North, and Liss Riverside Railway Walk South. Also, be sure to include Fyning Moor in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Liss (England).

Wealden Edge Hangers

Wealden Edge Hangers
wikipedia / Chris Gunns / CC BY-SA 2.0

Wealden Edge Hangers is a 222.4-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest north of Petersfield in Hampshire. An area of 48 hectares is Wealden Edge Hangers Local Nature Reserve and an area of 144.1 hectares is Ashford Hangers National Nature Reserve. Wealden Edge Hangers is part of the East Hampshire Hangers Special Area of Conservation.

Natural England describes this site as "arguably, of the ecologically most interesting and diverse series of chalk woodlands in Britain". The rich ground flora includes many rare species, and 289 species of vascular plants have been recorded. There are more than 111 species of bryophytes and the lichen flora is the second richest in the country with 74 species.[1]

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Liss Riverside Railway Walk North

Nature reserve
wikipedia / JRN / CC BY-SA 2.0

Nature reserve. Liss Riverside Railway Walk North is a 6.9-hectare Local Nature Reserve which runs north from Liss in Hampshire. It is owned and managed by East Hampshire District Council.

This footpath follows part of the route of the former Longmoor Military Railway from Liss to Liss Forest. The path goes through willow and alder woodland.[2]

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Liss Riverside Railway Walk South

Liss Riverside Railway Walk South
wikipedia / JRN / CC BY-SA 2.0

Liss Riverside Railway Walk South is a 1.6-hectare Local Nature Reserve in Liss in Hampshire. It is owned and managed by Liss Parish Council.

This footpath through woodland is the southern continuation of Liss Riverside Railway Walk North, following the route of the former Longmoor Military Railway.[3]

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Fyning Moor

Fyning Moor
wikipedia / Dudley Miles / CC BY-SA 4.0

Fyning Moor is a 12.8-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest south of Fyning in West Sussex.

This is a base-rich and springline alder wood, which is a nationally uncommon woodland type. Open rides have diverse flora and there are fens on the margins of a river. There are three nationally uncommon fly species, Xylota abiens, Ctenophora bimaculata and Rhobdomastix hilaris.

The site is private land but it is crossed by footpaths.[4]

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Upper Greensand Hangers: Empshott to Hawkley

Upper Greensand Hangers: Empshott to Hawkley
wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Upper Greensand Hangers: Empshott to Hawkley is a 37.7-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest north of Petersfield in Hampshire. It is part of the East Hampshire Hangers Special Area of Conservation.

This site comprises a number of woods along steep rocky slopes in the Upper Greensand. These conditions produce unusual lime-rich woodlands and specialised mosses and liverworts on the rocks. The dominant tree is ash, which has often been coppiced. The ground flora is diverse, including plants such as dog's mercury and yellow archangel.[5]

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The Triangle

The Triangle
facebook / lisstriangle / CC BY-SA 3.0

Address: Mill Rd, Liss

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