
What to See in Bordon - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 8 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Bordon (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Blackmoor War Memorial, Shortheath Common, and Binswood. Also, be sure to include Coombe Wood and The Lythe in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Bordon (England).

Blackmoor War Memorial

Blackmoor War Memorial
wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Blackmoor War Memorial is a First World War memorial cloister in Blackmoor, near Liss, in Hampshire. The memorial stands on the north side of the main road, with the Church of St Matthew to the east and the village school to the west. It was designed by Sir Herbert Baker, and comprises a three-sided wood-framed arcade, open to the south, arranged around lawn with a memorial cross. Several memorial plaques and a fountain by Sir Charles Wheeler are mounted on the walls of the arcade. It is one of around 130 Grade II* listed war memorials in England.[1]

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Shortheath Common

Nature preserve in England
wikipedia / Hugh Craddock / CC BY-SA 2.0

Nature preserve in England. Shortheath Common is a 59.5-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest east of Bordon in Hampshire. It is also a Local Nature Reserve and a Special Area of Conservation.

The common has areas of bracken, woodland, heath and a pond, but its main ecological interest is a large valley mire. Much of it is covered by Sphagnum mosses, but there are also many vascular plants, such as velvet bent and the insectivorous round-leaved sundew. The invertebrates are also of particular interest, including 23 breeding species of dragonfly.[2]

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wikipedia / Nigel Chadwick / CC BY-SA 2.0

Binswood is a 62.5-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest southeast of Alton in Hampshire.

This is a small surviving part of the Royal Forest of Woolmer. It is mainly unimproved grassland with scattered trees and areas of dense woodland, and the oldest trees may be 200 years old. It is still managed as a wood with common rights of grazing, and actively managed wood pasture is now a rare habitat.

The site is a registered common which is crossed by public footpaths.[3]

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Coombe Wood and The Lythe

Coombe Wood and The Lythe
wikipedia / Nigel Chadwick / CC BY-SA 2.0

Coombe Wood and The Lythe is a 44-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of Bordon in Hampshire. It is part of East Hampshire Hangers Special Area of Conservation and Combe Wood is a National Trust property.

This site has woods on Wealden Upper Greensand with a rich bryophyte flora and calcareous ground flora, especially green hellebore and violet helleborine. There are also meadows bordering a stream and an oak and hazel wood on Gault clay.[4]

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Upper Greensand Hangers: Wyck to Wheatley

Upper Greensand Hangers: Wyck to Wheatley
wikipedia / Andrya Prescott / CC BY-SA 2.0

Upper Greensand Hangers: Wyck to Wheatley is a 13.2-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest east of Alton in Hampshire. It is part of the East Hampshire Hangers Special Area of Conservation.

This site is composed of woods on the steep rocky slopes of the Upper Greensand. Bare rocks are covered by lime-loving bryophytes such as Tortula marginata, Chiloscyphus pallescens and Fissidens gracilifolius. There is also a population of the nationally scarce mollusc Macrogastra rolphii.[5]

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Forest Community Centre

Forest Community Centre
facebook / forestcommunitycentre / CC BY-SA 3.0

Nature, Shopping centre, Natural attraction, Forest

Address: Pinehill Road, GU35 0TN Bordon

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Wick Wood and Worldham Hangers

Wick Wood and Worldham Hangers
wikipedia / Nigel Chadwick / CC BY-SA 2.0

Wick Wood and Worldham Hangers is a 91.8-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of Bordon in Hampshire. It is part of the East Hampshire Hangers Special Area of Conservation.

This site has ancient semi-natural woods on the steep slopes of the Upper Greensand and the adjacent gently sloping Gault Clay, with a number of springs at the junction of the two strata. The ground flora on the unstable upper slopes is sparse, but lower down it is rich and dominated by wild garlic. Two ponds add to the habitat diversity.[6]

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Bordon Library

Bordon Library
facebook / Bordon-Library-1054794711255137 / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Pinehill Road, Bordon

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