
What to See in Chilworth - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 6 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Chilworth (United Kingdom). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Farley Green, St Augustine's Abbey, and Colyers Hanger. Also, be sure to include Blackheath SSSI in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Chilworth (England).

Farley Green

Hamlet in England
wikipedia / Joelr86 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Hamlet in England. Farley Green is a small hamlet of Albury in the Greensand Ridge where it forms the south of the Surrey Hills AONB, to the south east of Guildford.[1]

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St Augustine's Abbey

wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Abbey. St Augustine's Abbey or Chilworth Abbey, formerly Chilworth Friary, is a Roman Catholic Benedictine abbey in Chilworth, Surrey. The building, which is Grade II listed, was designed by Frederick Walters and was built in 1892. It was formerly a Franciscan friary and a novitiate for the order. The abbey church is open to the public 365 days a year.[2]

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Colyers Hanger

Nature preserve in Albury, England
wikipedia / Shazz / CC BY-SA 2.0

Nature preserve in Albury, England. Colyers Hanger is a 26.6-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest south-east of Guildford in Surrey. It is a Nature Conservation Review site, Grade 2 and is part of St Martha's Hill and Colyer's Hanger nature reserve, which is managed by the Surrey Wildlife Trust.

This is an area of ancient forest on a south facing slope. It has a variety of woodland types due to the geological diversity of the escarpment at different levels. At the bottom is a stream with poorly drained woodland dominated by alder and a ground layer with plants such as marsh marigold and pendulous sedge.

Several public footpaths go through the site.[3]

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Blackheath SSSI

Blackheath SSSI
wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Blackheath is a 141.6-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest south-east of Guildford in Surrey.

This area of dry lowland heath and acid grassland is managed for conservation and fauna includes a wide range of breeding birds, the vulnerable heathland spider Oxyopes heterophthalmus and the rare beetle Lomechusoides strumosa. There is also woodland which has a rare moss, Dicranum polysetum.

Blackheath Lane and Littleford Lane go through the site.[4]

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Chilworth Manor

Garden in Chilworth, England
wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Garden in Chilworth, England. Chilworth Manor is a historic country house located midway between Chilworth, Surrey and St Martha's Hill to the north. The manor is grade II listed by Historic England.[5]

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Combe Bottom

Combe Bottom
wikipedia / Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Combe Bottom is a 42.1-hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest north of Shere in Surrey. It is designated a Local Nature Reserve called Shere Woodlands, and is managed by the Surrey Wildlife Trust.

This site on a slope of the North Downs is mainly woodland and scrub, with a small area of unimproved chalk grassland. The woodland is dominated by beech and yew. There is a wide variety of bryophytes, including the rare moss Herzogiella seligeri.

There is access from Staple Lane and Combe Lane.[6]

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