
What to See in Melilla - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 9 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Melilla (Spain). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Port of Seville, Plaza de España, and Port of Melilla. Also, be sure to include Melilla la Vieja in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Melilla (Ceuta and Melilla).

Port of Seville

Port of Seville
wikipedia / El-mejor / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Port of Seville is a river port in Spain, located on the lower reaches of the Guadalquivir, in the city of Seville. It is the only commercial river port in the country.[1]

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Plaza de España

Plaza de España

Relax in park, Park

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Port of Melilla

Port of Melilla
wikipedia / JJ Merelo / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Port of Melilla is a cargo, fishing, and passenger port and marina located in Melilla, a Spanish autonomous city off the coast of North Africa.[2]

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Melilla la Vieja

Historical landmark in Melilla, Spain
wikipedia / TonioMora / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Melilla La Vieja

Historical landmark in Melilla, Spain. Melilla la Vieja is the name of a large fortress which stands immediately to the north of the port in Melilla, one of Spain's Plazas de soberanía on the north African coast. Built during the 16th and 17th centuries, much of the fortress has been restored in recent years.

The fortress contains many of Melilla's most important historical sites, among them an archaeological museum, a military museum, the Church of the Conception, and a series of caves and tunnels in use since Phoenician times.[3]

Address: Plaza de los Aljibes, 1, Melilla

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Melilla border fence

Melilla border fence
wikipedia / Ongayo / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: سياج مليلية الحدودي

The Melilla border fence forms part of the Morocco–Spain border in the city of Melilla, one of two Spanish cities in north Africa. Constructed by Spain, its stated purpose is to stop illegal immigration and smuggling. Melilla's border and its equivalent in Ceuta, also bordering Morocco, are the only two land borders between the European Union and an African country.[4]

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Museo de Arqueología e Historia de Melilla

Museo de Arqueología e Historia de Melilla


Address: Plaza de la Maestranza, 52001 Melilla, Melilla

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Port de Nador Beni Nsar

port de Nador Beni Nsar
facebook / nador.port.aitnsar / CC BY-SA 3.0

Sailing, Marina

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Las Cuevas del Conventico

Las Cuevas del Conventico
facebook / facebook


Address: Melilla la Vieja, Melilla

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Parque Hernández

Parque Hernández

Relax in park, Park

Address: General Marina-avda. de la democracia, Melilla

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