
What to See in Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 10 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park (Spain). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Cala de las Sirenas, Playa de Mónsul, and Playa de los Genoveses. Also, be sure to include El Fraile in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park (Andalusia).

Cala de las Sirenas

Cala de las Sirenas

Beach, View point

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Playa de Mónsul

Playa de Mónsul

Beach, Park, Outdoor activities

Address: San José - Nijar, 04118 San José

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Playa de los Genoveses

Playa de los Genoveses

Beach, Outdoor activities, Park, Surf spot

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El Fraile

Peak in Spain
wikipedia / Wasquewhat / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Cerro del Fraile

Peak in Spain. El Fraile, Cerro del Fraile, Cerro de los Frailes or Pico del los Frailes is the highest peak in the coastal range of the Sierra del Cabo de Gata in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park.

Like the rest of the range the peak is of volcanic origin. The last eruption dates about 8 million years ago.

The summit can be reached by a cross-country hike.[1]

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Faro de Cabo de Gata

Faro de Cabo de Gata


Address: Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata, Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park

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Minas de Oro de Rodalquilar

Minas de Oro de Rodalquilar
wikipedia / Wikinaut / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Rodalquilar mines are an abandoned and ruined mining complex located in the village of Rodalquilar, belonging to the municipality of Níjar, in Almería, Spain. The discovery of gold in Rodalquilar occurred by chance in 1864. The last stage corresponds to the public company Adaro. From 1956 onwards, some 600 tonnes of ore per day were processed from the Cerro del Cinto quarries. The Denver plant closed in 1966 due to the exhaustion of the seams.

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Torre Vigía de Torre García / Cabo de Gata / Almería / ESPAÑA

Torre Vigía de Torre García / Cabo de Gata / Almería / ESPAÑA
wikipedia / FDV / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Atalaya

A watchtower or watch tower is a type of fortification used in many parts of the world. It differs from a regular tower in that its primary use is military and from a turret in that it is usually a freestanding structure. Its main purpose is to provide a high, safe place from which a sentinel or guard may observe the surrounding area. In some cases, non-military towers, such as religious towers, may also be used as watchtowers.[2]

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Jardín Botánico del Albardinal

Jardín Botánico del Albardinal
wikipedia / Nanosanchez / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Botanical Garden El Albardinal is a botanical garden located in the natural park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar, in the nucleus of Rodalquilar municipal district of Níjar in the province of Almería, Spain.

The garden depends administratively on the Junta de Andalucía being one of the botanical gardens of the network, which the Junta has created in recent times in Andalusia.

Its objectives are to preserve the plant species of Almeria in danger of extinction, endangered and endemic species, as well as to promote the knowledge of the general public of the human use of their plant environment.

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Cabo de Gata

Cabo de Gata
wikipedia / Forcy / Public Domain

Cabo de Gata is a cape located in Níjar, Almería, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, one of the biggest capes. It is the driest place in the peninsula. However, the area that it ocupates is not considered a desert, even though there is one nearby: the Tabernas Desert, located 30 km in North - West direction. The lowest temperature registered in Cabo de Gata was 0.1°C.

San José, Las Negras, Agua Amarga, Isleta del Moro, Rodalquilar, San Miguel, Almadraba de Moteleva, Fernán Pérez, Las Hortichuelas, Pozo de los Frailes, Los Escullos, Níjar and Carboneras are towns found in Cabo de Gata. The lighthouse is a famous landmark.

On 26 March 2008 it was declared Parque Natural.[3]

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Playa de las Amoladeras

Playa de las Amoladeras
wikipedia / Schumi4ever / CC BY-SA 4.0

Las Amoladas Beach is a beach in the municipality of Almería.

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