
What to See in Pitigliano - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 7 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Pitigliano (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Pitigliano Cathedral, Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie, and Cimitero ebraico di Pitigliano. Also, be sure to include Chiesa di Santa Maria e San Rocco in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Pitigliano (Tuscany).

Pitigliano Cathedral

Cathedral in Pitigliano, Italy
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Also known as: Duomo di Pitigliano

Cathedral in Pitigliano, Italy. Pitigliano Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul in the town of Pitigliano, in the region of Tuscany, Italy.

It is currently the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello, established in 1986.[1]

Address: Piazza San Gregorio VII, 58017 Pitigliano

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Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie

Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

The shrine of Madonna delle Grazie is a religious building located in Pitigliano, in the province of Grosseto.

Its location is along State Road 74 Maremmana, a few hundred meters south of the historic center, at one of the hairpin bends that develop near the town.

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Cimitero ebraico di Pitigliano

Cimitero ebraico di Pitigliano
wikipedia / Matteo Vinattieri / CC BY 3.0

The Jewish cemetery is a cemetery space located in Pitigliano, on a small tuff plateau that rises at the southeastern foot of the higher cliff on which the historic town center stands. Its location dominates one of the hairpin bends of the Maremmana highway 74 that enter the town coming from Manciano.

The cemetery was built during the second half of the 16th century as a burial place for members of Pitigliano's Jewish community, which had always been quite numerous and well integrated into the social fabric of the town in the Tuff Area.

The construction of the cemetery was at the behest of Niccolò IV Orsini, who initially donated the corresponding area to his physician so that he could build the tomb where his Jewish wife could be buried. Later, permission was granted for the construction of a proper cemetery space at this location, in order to give the entire Jewish community of Pitigliano a space where they could bury their loved ones.

The origin of Pitigliano's Jewish cemetery laid the foundation for the construction of the Synagogue within the city walls: the temple was in fact built during the last decade of the 16th century.

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Chiesa di Santa Maria e San Rocco

Chiesa di Santa Maria e San Rocco
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

The church of Santa Maria e San Rocco is a sacred building located in Pitigliano, in the province of Grosseto.

Address: Via Zuccarelli, 58017 Pitigliano

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Sinagoga e Ghetto Ebraico

Sinagoga e Ghetto Ebraico
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Sacred and religious sites, History museum, Synagogue

Address: Vicolo Marghera,1, 58017 Pitigliano

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Fontana delle Sette cannelle

Fontana delle Sette cannelle
wikipedia / Petitverdot / Public Domain

The Fountain of the Seven Spouts is a monumental fountain located in the historic center of Pitigliano. Its location is on the southern side of Piazza della Repubblica, which is occupied and enclosed entirely by the said fountain.

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Palazzo Orsini

Palazzo Orsini
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Forts and castles

Address: Piazza Fortezza Orsini, 25, Pitigliano

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