
What to See in Sovana - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Sovana (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Sovana Cathedral, Via cava, and Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Also, be sure to include Rocca Aldobrandesca in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Sovana (Tuscany).

Sovana Cathedral

Cathedral in Sovana, Italy
wikipedia / Sidvics / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Concattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo

Cathedral in Sovana, Italy. Sovana Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Sovana, now a frazione of the town of Sorano, in the province of Grosseto, region of Tuscany, Italy, dedicated to Saint Peter. Formerly the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Sovana, since 1986 it has been a co-cathedral in the diocese of Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello.[1]

Address: Via del Duomo, 58010 Sovana

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Via cava

Open air museum in Italy
wikipedia / Sidvics / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Vie Cave

Open air museum in Italy. The Vie Cave, also known in Italian as Cavoni, is a road network in southern Europe, found in Spain, Italy, Turkey and as far east as Jordan. In Italy they partly link an Etruscan necropolis and several settlements in the area between Sovana, Sorano and Pitigliano. They consist mainly of trenches of variable width and length, excavated as nearly vertical cliffs in different types of bedrock, sometimes over sixty feet high, possibly serving as a defense system against invaders, wild animals or forces of nature. Although often dated as being carved by pre-Roman civilisations in the first or second millennium BC, the builders and purpose of the road system are largely unclear, and there are indications that they are much older than assumed.

In Italy they are sometimes narrow, sometimes wider cuttings often running deeply through hills and bedrock, and are thought to have changed little since Etruscan times. Their construction is said to have resulted from the wearing through soft tuff but also harder bedrock by iron-rimmed wheels, creating deep ruts that required the road to be frequently recut to a smooth surface. Their dating is mainly deduced from the settlements they pass between, and objects from tombs beside them. This dating is deemed uncertain by those pointing out the extent of petrifaction of the so-called cart ruts.

In Roman times segments of the Vie Cave became part of a road system that was connected to the main trunk of the Via Clodia, an ancient road linking Rome and Manciano, through the city of Tuscania, which branched off from the Cassia road in Lazio territory. Wider segments are even included in the modern road system.[2]

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Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore
wikipedia / Sailko / CC BY 3.0

Also known as: Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore


Address: Piazza del Pretorio, 58010 Sovana

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Rocca Aldobrandesca

Rocca Aldobrandesca
wikipedia / Sailko / CC BY 3.0

The Rocca aldobrandesca is a ruined castle in Sovana, a town in the municipality of Sorano.

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