
What to See in Busto Arsizio - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 20 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Busto Arsizio (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Museum of Textiles and Industry of Busto Arsizio, Marnate's Bunker, and Olgiate Olona. Also, be sure to include Agorà della Scherma in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Busto Arsizio (Lombardy).

Museum of Textiles and Industry of Busto Arsizio

Museum in Busto Arsizio, Italy
wikipedia / LoryTudy / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Museo del tessile e della tradizione industriale di Busto Arsizio

Museum in Busto Arsizio, Italy. The Museum of Textiles and Industry is one of the two museums in Busto Arsizio, Italy, that specialises in spinning and weaving. It was opened in 1997 to house objects, pictures and archive material representing Busto Arsizio's industrial history.[1]

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Marnate's Bunker

Marnate's Bunker
wikipedia / Rockycookies11 / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Bunker di Marnate

Marnate's Bunker is a military monument of World War II, with the purpose of being used as an industrial bunker. It is located in Valle Olona, Italy, between the boundaries of Marnate, Olgiate Olona and Gorla Minore.

Built by the Germans between July and September 1944, Marnate's Bunker was conquered by the Italian resistance movement on April 26, 1945 after a harsh fight against the German garrison. During the fight, five Germans were killed, while from Garibaldini only an Italian named Carlo Moltrasio from Fagnano Olona died, and two more were slightly injured. After the surrender of the Germans, the partisans inspected the bunker, finding it completely empty, except for a powerful bomb intended to destroy it.[2]

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Olgiate Olona

Town in Italy
wikipedia / Dario Crespi / CC BY-SA 3.0

Town in Italy. Olgiate Olona is a town and comune located in the province of Varese, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. The town is bathed by the river Olona. The nearest city to Olgiate Olona is Busto Arsizio, about 3 kilometres away.

The town of Olgiate Olona is divided into three "districts": the Center, Gerbone and Buon Gesù.

Between boundaries of Marnate and Gorla Minore is located a military monument of II World War called Marnate's Bunker.[3]

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Agorà della Scherma

Agorà della Scherma
wikipedia / Dario Crespi / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Agora of Fencing is a museum entirely dedicated to fencing located in Busto Arsizio, at the former Bustese Cotton Mill.

It was founded in 2012 at the behest of Cesare Vago, president of Pro Patria Scherma, a century-old sports club based in the rooms adjacent to the museum, with the support of the Busto Arsizio municipal administration and the Italian Fencing Federation.

The main core of the museum consists of the Longhi collection, donated by Florentine psychiatrist Silvio Longhi, consisting of hundreds of objects, including foils, sabers and swords for sports, dueling and military use, bayonets, fencers' training equipment, masks, gloves and plates. Also inside the museum are pieces from Nedo Nadi's personal collection purchased by master curator Giancarlo Toràn.

In addition to numerous objects, the museum counts the presence of various documents, treatises, books and jurisprudential texts on dueling, particularly focusing on the history of sport fencing since the second half of the 19th century. Completing the museum's collection are numerous photographs and films from various eras.

Address: Via Luigi Galvani, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Basilica di San Giovanni Battista

Basilica di San Giovanni Battista
wikipedia / Marco Da Busto / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Piazza S. Giovanni, 5, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Santuario di Santa Maria di Piazza

Santuario di Santa Maria di Piazza
wikipedia / sconosciuto / CC BY-SA 3.0

The shrine of Santa Maria di Piazza is located in the historic center of Busto Arsizio, where an earlier church dedicated to Our Lady stood, which in turn had replaced a chapel dating back to the time of Christianization. This splendid Marian shrine was quickly built between 1515 and 1522.

Two names appear in the documents dealing with the construction of the temple: that of Antonio da Lonate (author of the model for the Vigevano cathedral) and that of "magistro Tomaxio ingeniero," probably Tommaso Rodari, the well-known sculptor and architect active in the Como cathedral and a pupil of Giovanni Antonio Amadeo. The former would have set the central plan, for which a Bramantesque design, "Bramanti secutus exemplar," has been speculated; the latter would have executed the two portals to the west and south, and perhaps the elegant loggia in the drum under the dome similar to the tiburium of the sanctuary of the Beata Vergine dei Miracoli at Saronno, attributed to Amadeo.

Address: Piazza Santa Maria, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Palazzo Marliani-Cicogna

Palazzo Marliani-Cicogna
wikipedia / Cesco.pb / CC BY-SA 3.0

Palazzo Marliani-Cicogna is a building in Busto Arsizio, formerly the home of the Marliani counts, which currently houses the municipal library and civic art collections.

Address: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, Busto Arsizio

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Museo di Arte Sacra di San Michele Arcangelo

Museo di Arte Sacra di San Michele Arcangelo
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Museum of Sacred Art of St. Michael the Archangel is one of two private museums in the city of Busto Arsizio and is housed inside some parish premises near the thousand-year-old bell tower of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel.

The creation of the museum was the consequence of the collection of material from the parish of St. Michael the Archangel, begun in 1975. In 1988, a systematic study of individual works was initiated under the direction of Lia de Pra Cavalleri, Giuseppe Gualmo and Emanuele Bisterzo, with the collaboration of the Lombardy Superintendency of Cultural Heritage.

The Museum of Sacred Art preserves paintings from the end of the 16th century and the first half of the following century that are fundamental to the history of the city Busto Arsizio, such as "St. Charles in the act of blessing Busto," a 17th-century work depicting the cardinal who elevated Busto Arsizio to a plebeian see in 1583. Also inside the museum are notable works and works of goldsmithing including "The Processional Crosses" (the oldest, of Lombard goldsmithing, dates back to the 16th century).

The exhibits also include four ancient codices dated between the 14th century and the 17th century (including a miscellaneous musical antiphonary, manuscripted on 108 sheets of paper) as well as a collection of ancient prints. Visitors (the museum can be visited upon request) can also admire tear-offs of frescoes with motifs of popular religiosity and a rich documentation of the decoration of the church of St. Michael the Archangel at the beginning of the 20th century. Finally, a collection of miscellaneous works of religious inspiration created by contemporary authors is available.

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Cimitero Monumentale

Cimitero Monumentale
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The monumental cemetery in Busto Arsizio is one of the three current cemeteries in the city, in addition to those in Borsano and Sacconago. It is located at the beginning of Favana Street, a road named after a farmstead on its route.

Address: Via Cascina Favana, Busto Arsizio

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Casa Frangi

Casa Frangi
wikipedia / Dario Crespi / CC BY-SA 3.0

Palazzo Frangi is a building in Busto Arsizio, located on the corner of Goffredo Mameli Street and Volontari della Libertà Square, in front of the FS train station.

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Teatro Sociale

Teatro Sociale
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The "Delia Cajelli" Social Theater, also once called the Little Scala of Busto Arsizio, is one of Busto Arsizio's theaters, dating back to the late 19th century.

On August 21, 1890, the Società anonima del teatro sociale was founded, strongly desired by Cavalier Giovanni Candiani, who had died almost three years earlier in 1888. The charter of this society was signed by such Candiani, Crespi, Gambero, Introini, Marinoni, Milani, Pozzi, Provasoli and Tosi in the presence of notary Carlo Prina.

Address: Piazza Plebiscito 8, Busto Arsizio

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Chiesa di Madonna in Prato

Chiesa di Madonna in Prato
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The church of Madonna in Prato is a religious building in Busto Arsizio, belonging to the parish of San Michele Arcangelo. It is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and is named Madonna in Prato because it stands where the meadow of Piscina, one of the four districts of the village of Busto Arsizio in medieval times, once stood.

Address: Piazza A. Manzoni, 18C, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Tempio civico della Beata Vergine delle Grazie

Tempio civico della Beata Vergine delle Grazie
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Civic Temple of the Blessed Virgin of Graces is a religious building in Busto Arsizio, located on Via Fratelli d'Italia, in front of Palazzo Gilardoni, the town hall. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Grace.

Address: Via Andrea Zappellini, 19, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Parco Alto Milanese

Parco Alto Milanese
wikipedia / Dira0101 / CC BY-SA 4.0

Parco Alto Milanese is a protected natural area in Lombardy as a Local Park of Supermunicipal Interest and affects the metropolitan city of Milan in the municipality of Legnano and the province of Varese in the municipalities of Busto Arsizio and Castellanza. It is recognized by the Lombardy Regional Council with a resolution of October 27, 1987 upon the proposal of the three municipalities involved. The area covers about 360 hectares, including about 178 of the municipality of Legnano, 126 of the municipality of Busto Arsizio and 53 hectares on the municipality of Castellanza. The boundaries are demarcated by the suburbs of the three municipalities and include a large area of mainly agricultural land.

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Church of Sant'Antonio Abate

Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate

The church of St. Anthony Abbot is a house of worship in Busto Arsizio, a subsidiary of St. John the Baptist, located on the eastern side of the bell tower it shares with the shrine of St. Mary of Piazza.

Address: Via Santa Maria, 21017 Busto Arsizio

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Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo

Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo
wikipedia / Marco Da Busto / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of Saints Apostles Peter and Paul is one of two churches located in the center of the Sacconago neighborhood in Busto Arsizio. It is called the "new church" as opposed to the older church of the same name located a few dozen meters away.

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Chiesa dei Santi Stefano e Lorenzo

Chiesa dei Santi Stefano e Lorenzo
wikipedia / Dario Crespi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of Saints Stephen and Lawrence is the largest church in Olgiate Olona, a town in the province of Varese. The present church is the result of numerous renovations and extensions of the older church of St. Stephen.

Address: Piazza S. Stefano, 8, 21057 Olgiate Olona

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Chiesa di Madonna in Campagna

Chiesa di Madonna in Campagna
wikipedia / Dario Crespi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The church of Madonna in Campagna is a religious building in Sacconago, a hamlet in the municipality of Busto Arsizio. It is dedicated to Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.

At the time of its construction it stood on the road called in Longù, which connected Sacconago with Lonate and Ferno. The term Longù comes from the Latin longorius, which means "long pole": this is probably because at one time the territory around the church was occupied by woods from which wood was obtained for the production, precisely, of poles.

The church was built on an earlier country chapel, as evidenced by the fact that Cardinal Carlo Borromeo, on a visit to Sacconago in 1582 mentions only the parish church and the church of San Donato, while the church of Madonna in Campagna is found in a document by Giuseppe Pozzobonelli of 1753, referred to as "Beata Vergine Maria in campagna."

Construction of the present church dates back to 1702 and was completed in 1704. On March 23, 1704, Easter Day, it was blessed by Stefano Custodi. The consul of Busto Arsizio Carlo Crespi was also present at the ceremony. The building was decorated with a painting of the Pieta. Cardinal Pozzobonelli described the church in these words, "Barrel vault, tile floor, plastered and whitewashed walls inside, a door in the facade and two small windows on the sides. On the back wall, the painting of Our Lady holding the body of the dead Christ." On the left side of the church facade was a bell supported by masonry pillars.

The Pieta fresco depicts Mary in the center holding Jesus with her right hand, while her left hand is raised and with an open palm. Behind these two figures was a background depicting Golgotha with the three empty crosses. During the restorations ordered by parish priest Don Luigi Caimi, however, it was discovered that originally the background was much simpler: a single red cloth, now brought to light by restorers. The painting dates back to the 15th century, so the chapel preceding the present church was already present in the 15th century.

The sacristy dates from the second half of the 16th century. From a description in 1753 the church appeared to be plastered in the facing and not on the two sides, while the portico that stands today in front of the entrance was still absent, although during the restoration of the church this appeared to be in structural continuity with the main body of the church (this portico may date from the 19th century).

The present bell gable tower was built in 1950 and housed the bell that was donated by residents of nearby farmsteads.

Today the old road in Longù remains only partially beside the church, replaced by asphalt roads made necessary by urban renewal in the early 21st century.

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Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo

Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is the main Catholic place of worship in Borsano, a district of Busto Arsizio, in the province of Varese, the seat of the parish of the same name of the Archdiocese of Milan, part of the Deanery of Busto Arsizio, in Pastoral Zone IV of Rho. It is dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, patrons of what was for centuries an autonomous municipality.

The foundation stone of the present church was laid in 1939 on land adjacent to that where the 19th-century church stood, blessed in 1825 and demolished in 1943. Prior to that church, there was another one, built in 1508 in place of the earlier church, existing at least as early as 1300 and dedicated to the apostle St. Peter.

Address: Via S. Pietro, 19, 21052 Busto Arsizio

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Edicola di San Carlo Borromeo

Edicola di San Carlo Borromeo
wikipedia / Paolotacchi / CC BY-SA 3.0

The shrine of St. Charles Borromeo is a votive capital located in Busto Arsizio, on Via Giacomo Matteotti, originally called contrada Pessina, near the Canavesi-Bossi house. It stands where once there was probably a public well and a monastery, now demolished, in a crucial location, as the street was a passageway for processions from the churches of Santa Maria and San Giovanni to the church of San Michele Arcangelo.

The construction of the shrine dates back to the mid-17th century, a few years after the death of St. Charles, to whom the citizens of Busto Arsizio were particularly devoted. It is a small temple consisting of three cross-vaulted arches supported by four columns resting on stone plinths. The back wall is shared with the house to which the aedicule is leaning and probably originally shared with it the tile roofing, now replaced with a four-sloped copper slab. In the center of the chapel is a statue depicting the saint dating from 1892, when it was placed here during restoration work to replace an older pictorial work that was lost. The statue holds its left hand raised to grip the crosier, which has been lost.

The statue of St. Charles Borromeo is made of finely worked plaster, so much so that the laces on the robe appear to be made of real cloth. Behind the statue are faces of angels, also made of plaster, surrounding the saint. Closing the aedicule is an 18th-century wrought-iron gate. The marble altar placed in front of the statue would also belong to the same period.

Address: Via Giacomo Matteotti, Busto Arsizio

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