
What to See in Bielsk Podlaski - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 10 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Bielsk Podlaski (Poland). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Muzeum Podlaskie, Kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Świętego Mikołaja, and Cerkiew pw. św. Michała Archanioła. Also, be sure to include Cerkiew pw. Narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Bielsk Podlaski (Podlasie).

Muzeum Podlaskie

Muzeum Podlaskie
wikipedia / Krzysztof Kundzicz / CC BY-SA 3.0

Museum of Both Nations in Bielsk Podlaski - a state museum documenting the history of Bielsk Podlaski and the surrounding area, functioning as a branch of the Podlaskie Museum in Białystok.

Address: 45 Adama Mickiewicza, Bielsk Podlaski

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Kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Świętego Mikołaja

Kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Świętego Mikołaja
wikipedia / Brosen / CC BY-SA 3.0

Basilica of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas in Bielsk Podlaski - a historic Roman Catholic parish church existing since the 15th century. Situated near the market, by the former settlement "Poświątne". At first it was a wooden building of unknown shape, which was burnt several times. Rebuilt in 1674 as a wooden church, in the second half of the 18th century it was decided to replace it with a brick one.

Address: Kościelna 4A, 17-100 Bielsk Podlaski

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Cerkiew pw. św. Michała Archanioła

Cerkiew pw. św. Michała Archanioła
wikipedia / Krzysztof Kundzicz / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Michael the Archangel Church is an Orthodox parish church in Bielsk Podlaski. It belongs to Bielsk Podlaski decane of Warsaw-Bielsk diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

The temple is located in the center of the city, at 36 Adam Mickiewicza Street.

The church was erected before 1789 as a Uniate church of log construction, planked - from this period comes the octagon nave. In 1914 a square porch with a bell tower was added. In 1989 an altar part was added.

At the back of the church there is a baptistery designed by Jerzy Nowosielski, while on the neighboring plot of land there is a parish house with a house chapel-baptistery of St. John the Baptist.

The temple was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on November 19, 1976 under the number A-39.

Address: 36 Adama Mickiewicza, Bielsk Podlaski

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Cerkiew pw. Narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy

Cerkiew pw. Narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy
wikipedia / Jolanta Dyr / CC BY-SA 3.0

Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God - an Orthodox concathedral and parish church in Bielsk Podlaski. It belongs to Bielsk Podlaski decane of Warsaw-Belarusian Diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

The temple is located on Jagiellonska Street.

Address: 6 Jagiellońska, Bielsk Podlaski

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Kościół Chrystusowy

Kościół Chrystusowy
wikipedia / jdx / CC BY-SA 3.0

Church of Christ in Bielsk Podlaski - a church of the Church of Christ in Poland operating in Bielsk Podlaski.

The pastor of the church is Henryk Karasiewicz. Services are held at 2 Prusa Street on Sundays at 10 am and on Fridays at 6 pm.

The church was established in 1967, for over 20 years the services were held in a small chapel. In 1985 the construction of a new building began. Its opening took place in 1991.

The first pastor was Nikon Yakoniuk. From 1971 to 2011, the pastor was Konstantin Yakoniuk.

The church has one of the best-equipped chapels in the church. The chapel is also used by other faith communities, such as Adventists, who hold their spring district conventions, baptismal and wedding ceremonies here.

Address: 2 Bolesława Prusa, Bielsk Podlaski

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Kaplica św. Mikołaja

Kaplica św. Mikołaja
wikipedia / jdx / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Nicholas Chapel - an Orthodox chapel in Bielsk Podlaski. It belongs to St. Michael the Archangel parish in Bielsk Podlaski, in Bielsk Podlaski deanery of Warsaw-Bielsk diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

The chapel is located in the center of the city, at the junction of Józef Poniatowski and Zamkowa Streets.

The chapel was built in 1996 in the place of St. Nicholas Church of 1678, which was burned in 1941. In the vicinity of the church there was a wooden bell tower, which was also destroyed.

The existing 1996 building is octagonal, was built of wood, in a log construction, on a stone foundation. It is surrounded by an octagonal arcade, reaching half of the height of the chapel, with a shingled roof. The entire chapel is topped with a tent roof (also shingled) with an onion-shaped tin cupola. Near the chapel there is an eight-pointed wooden cross. The fence is wooden, on a stone foundation.

Address: Józefa Poniatowskiego 9, 17-100 Bielsk Podlaski

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Cerkiew cmentarna Świętej Trójcy

Cerkiew cmentarna Świętej Trójcy
wikipedia / Krzysztof Kundzicz / CC BY-SA 3.0

Holy Trinity Cemetery Church - an Orthodox cemetery church in Bielsk Podlaski. It belongs to the parish of Protection of Our Lady in Bielsk Podlaski, in the Bielsk Podlaski decane of the Warsaw-Bielsk diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

Address: 25 Wojska Polskiego, Bielsk Podlaski

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Urząd Miasta Bielsk Podlaski

Urząd Miasta Bielsk Podlaski
facebook / Urząd-Miasta-Bielsk-Podlaski-724709194263843 / CC BY-SA 3.0

City hall

Address: M.Kopernika 1, Bielsk Podlaski

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Cmentarz żołnierzy niemieckich poległych podczas I wojny światowej

Cmentarz żołnierzy niemieckich poległych podczas I wojny światowej
wikipedia / Pablo000 / CC BY 3.0

Bielski Podlaski War Cemetery - A cemetery from World War I and World War II located west in Bielsk Podlaski.

The cemetery is rectangular in shape and located at 20 Bialowieska St., near the intersection of the national road No. 66 and the provincial road No. 689. Originally, the cemetery contained an unknown number of German soldiers buried in mass and single graves, who died mainly in 1915. We know 31 names of the Germans buried there. There are two granite crosses on the cemetery with names: Karl Meißner † 11.09.1915. from Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 229

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Cerkiew pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego

Cerkiew pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego
wikipedia / Brosen / CC BY-SA 3.0

Church of the Resurrection - an Orthodox concathedral and parish church in Bielsk Podlaski. It belongs to Bielsk Podlaski deanery of Warsaw-Bielsk diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

The temple is located on Romualda Traugutta Street.

The first Orthodox church of this name was located in the "Buhor" wilderness near Lewki and may have been moved to the Bielsko district of Dubicze after 1377. In the second half of the 16th century a new church was built in another new location, near the district governor's manor in the Holowiesk district (today's Romuald Traugutt Street). After 1636 the church was given to the Uniates, who in 1716 built a new church in its place. In 1796 the Prussian authorities, due to the poor condition of the temple, which had not been repaired for many years, allowed the parishioners to celebrate masses in the closed Church of the Divine Mercy. The new church was consecrated in 1838 and services were moved from the Carmelite church.

In 1839 the Russian authorities cancelled the union and handed the church over to the Orthodox. Another thorough reconstruction took place in 1912-1913, when a tower was added at the front. The appearance, which the church gained after this reconstruction, has been preserved to this day.

The altar part and the main nave had a wooden structure (until the last reconstruction). From the outside the church has a brick wall. The internal decoration of the church is characteristic for wooden churches of Podlasie.

Two icons are especially venerated in the temple: St. Martyr Barbara and St. George the Victorious.

It was thoroughly renovated in the 1990s. In 2013-2014 (with the permission of the provincial conservator) the church was completely rebuilt, replacing the wooden structure with a concrete one. The reason was the very poor technical condition of the wooden structure. Only the cupola, altar and the stone part of the presbytery were preserved from the previous church. The shape of the building remained unchanged.

On August 20, 2016, the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch John X visited the church.

The temple was listed on the Register of Historic Places on October 29, 1966 under the number A-27.

Address: 3 Romualda Traugutta, Bielsk Podlaski

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