
What to See in Augustów - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 8 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Augustów (Poland). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Augustów Canal, Augustów Lock, and Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Also, be sure to include Kościół pw. Świętej Rodziny in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Augustów (Podlasie).

Augustów Canal

Augustów Canal
wikipedia / Pawlikowska / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Kanał Augustowski

The Augustów Canal is a cross-border canal built by the Kingdom of Poland in the 19th century in the present-day Podlaskie Voivodeship of northeastern Poland and the Grodno Region of north-western Belarus. From the time it was first built, the canal was described by experts as a technological marvel, with numerous sluices contributing to its aesthetic appeal.

It was the first summit level canal in Central Europe to provide a direct link between the two major rivers, Vistula River through the Biebrza River – a tributary of the Narew River, and the Neman River through its tributary – the Czarna Hancza River, and it provided a link with the Black Sea to the south through the Oginski Canal, Daugava River, Berezina Canal and Dnieper River. It uses a post-glacial channel depression, forming the chain of Augustów lakes, and the river valleys of the Biebrza, the Netta, the Czarna Hancza and the Neman, which made it possible to perfectly integrate the Canal with the surrounding elements of the natural environment.

The reasons behind the construction of the Augustów Canal were both political and economic. In 1821 Prussia introduced repressively high customs duties for the transit of Russian Empire goods through its territory, which hindered access of traders to the Baltic seaports through the Vistula River. In 1822 the Russian Congress Kingdom of Poland was granted measures of commercial autonomy from Russian Empire's customs area. In the years 1823–1839 a waterway was constructed, bypassing the Prussian territory, intended eventually to link, via the Windawski Canal, the center of the Russian Kingdom of Poland with the Baltic seaport of Ventspils in the province of Kurland. This goal was relinquished due to unrest caused by the 1830–1831 November Uprising against Russia and revised trade agreements with Prussia.

The completed part of the Augustów Canal remained an inland waterway of local significance used for commercial shipping and to transport wood to and from the Vistula and Neman Rivers until rendered obsolete by the regional railway network.[1]

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Augustów Lock

Augustów Lock
wikipedia / Albertus teolog / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Śluza Augustów

Augustów Lock - the fifth lock on the Augustów Canal. It is located in Augustów, Poland near National Road No 8 and built between 1825-1826 by cf Eng. Konstanty Jodko It was blown up in 1944 by an army of the Third Reich and rebuilt in its present form by "HYDROTREST" in the years 1947-1948 Under a new projectit will use of metal gates with channels of circulation and the gate mechanisms for opening the gates i driven by cranks. The result of these upgrades is an extension of time of about 7 minutes.

  • Location: 32.5 km channel
  • Level difference: 2.44 m
  • Length: 46.8 m
  • Width: 6.02 m
  • Gates: metal
  • Year built: 1825-1826, rebuilt 1947-1948
  • Construction Manager: cf Eng. Konstanty Jodko

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Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
wikipedia / Przykuta / CC BY-SA 4.0

Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Augustów - Temple in Augustów.

Address: 10 3 Maja, Augustów

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Kościół pw. Świętej Rodziny

Kościół pw. Świętej Rodziny
wikipedia / Gettyng / CC BY-SA 3.0

Holy Family Parish in Augustow - a Roman Catholic parish lying in the Augustow - MB Królowej Polski deanery belonging to the Elk diocese.

Address: 45 Storczykowa, Augustów

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Kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego

Kościół pw. Miłosierdzia Bożego
wikipedia / Platanacero / Public Domain

Divine Mercy Parish in Augustow - a Roman Catholic parish lying in the Augustow - St. Bartholomew the Apostle deanery, belonging to the Elk diocese.

Address: plac Księdza Szkiłądzia 1, 16-300 Augustów

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Kościół pw. Jana Chrzciciela

Kościół pw. Jana Chrzciciela
wikipedia / Platanacero / Public Domain

St. John the Baptist Parish in Augustow - a Roman Catholic parish lying in the Augustow - St. Bartholomew the Apostle deanery belonging to the Elk diocese.

Address: aleja Jana Pawła II 14, 16-300 Augustów

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Escape Room Augustów

Escape Room Augustów
facebook / EscapeRoomAugustow / CC BY-SA 3.0
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Kaplica Klęczącego Pana Jezusa

Kaplica Klęczącego Pana Jezusa
wikipedia / Platanacero / Public Domain

Chapel of the Kneeling Lord Jesus in Augustow - a chapel in Augustow, located at the intersection of Zygmuntowska and Rajgrodzka Streets.

The figure of Jesus kneeling under the cross has been worshipped in this place since the 18th century. In the 1830s, a wooden chapel was built in place of a small shed, surrounded by a fence and planted with poplars. Services were held in the chapel. In 1872 the chapel was renovated. During World War II it was destroyed. A new brick chapel was built with contributions from the citizens of the city and Augustow citizens from the United States in 1950-1954, and was consecrated in 1955.

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