
What to See in San Giovanni d'Asso - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 5 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in San Giovanni d'Asso (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Museo del Tartufo, San Pietro in Villore, and Pieve di Santa Maria a Pava. Also, be sure to include Church of San Giovanni Battista in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in San Giovanni d'Asso (Tuscany).

Museo del Tartufo

Museo del Tartufo
wikipedia / Pufui Pc Pifpef I / Public Domain

ItalyTruffle museum - museum in San Giovanni d'Asso, Tuscany, Tru.Mu truffle museum. - museum in Borgofranco sul Po, in Lombardy

Address: Piazza Gramsci 1, 53020 San Giovanni d'Asso

Open in:

San Pietro in Villore

San Pietro in Villore
wikipedia / Pufui Pc Pifpef I / Public Domain

The church of San Pietro in Villore is a Catholic house of worship located in the town of San Giovanni d'Asso, a hamlet of Montalcino, in the province of Siena.

Address: Via Borgo di Sotto, 8, 53020 San Giovanni d'Asso

Open in:

Pieve di Santa Maria a Pava

Pieve di Santa Maria a Pava
wikipedia / LigaDue / CC BY-SA 4.0

The former parish church of Santa Maria delle Nevi a Pava, better known as Santa Maria a Pava or Pieve di Pava, is a deconsecrated Catholic place of worship located in Pieve a Pava, in the municipality of Montalcino, in the province of Siena.

Open in:

Church of San Giovanni Battista

Church of San Giovanni Battista
wikipedia / Pufui Pc Pifpef I / Public Domain

Also known as: Pieve di San Giovanni Battista

The parish church of St. John the Baptist is the main Catholic place of worship in San Giovanni d'Asso, a hamlet of Montalcino, the town's parish church.

Address: Via Roma, 27, 53020 San Giovanni d'Asso

Open in:

Chiesa della Madonna del Tribbio

Chiesa della Madonna del Tribbio
wikipedia / Lforzini / CC BY-SA 3.0

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, also known as the church of Madonna del Tribbio, is a Catholic place of worship located just outside the town of San Giovanni d'Asso, a hamlet of Montalcino,near the cemetery, along the road to Asciano.

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