
What to See in Faenza - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Faenza (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Faenza Cathedral, Santa Maria ad Nives, and Chiesa della Commenda. Also, be sure to include Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Faenza (Emilia-Romagna).

Faenza Cathedral

Cathedral in Faenza, Italy
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Also known as: Duomo di Faenza

Cathedral in Faenza, Italy. Faenza Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral built in the style of the Tuscan Renaissance in central Faenza, Italy. It is the seat of the Bishop of Faenza-Modigliana and is dedicated to Saint Peter the Apostle.[1]

Address: Piazza della Libertà, 48018 Faenza

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Santa Maria ad Nives

Catholic church in Faenza, Italy
wikipedia / / CC BY-SA 3.0

Catholic church in Faenza, Italy. Santa Maria ad Nives is a Roman Catholic church, located on Piazza Santa Maria Foris Portam, in Faenza, Italy.

Founded outside of the city walls, likely in the 6th-century, the church was once called Santa Maria Foris Portam, or Santa Maria Vecchia. Originally oriented towards an eastern apse, as was common with paleochristian churches, some state it was the first cathedral in the town. Some of the construction still dates to the 15th century, with blind arches next to the large windows. The sculpted columns at the entrance likely spolia from the 6th century. It was affiliated with a benedictine monastery, and was visited by St. Peter Damian while en route to die in the hermitage of Gamogna for the winter of 1072.

The interior was rebuilt and expanded in 1655, reversing the orientation, and adding a portico the entrance. Among the works inside are Gaspare Sacchi's altarpiece of the Virgin and Saints (1522) at the first altar on the left. In the chapel of St. Bernard of Clairvaux to the right of the main altar are small canvases depicting the Life of St. Bernard (circa 1610) by Niccolò Paganelli.[2]

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Chiesa della Commenda

Church in Faenza, Italy
wikipedia / Girolamo da Treviso the Younger / Public Domain

Church in Faenza, Italy. The Church of the Commenda is a Romanesque-style, Roman Catholic temple located on Corso Europa in the Piazza Fra Sabba da Castiglione of Faenza, region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.[3]

Address: Corso Europa, 107, 48018 Faenza

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Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche

Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche
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Art museum, Museum

Address: Viale Baccarini 19, Faenza

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Teatro Masini

Teatro Masini
wikipedia / Lorenzo Gaudenzi / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Angelo Masini Municipal Theater is a theater in Faenza located at Piazza Nenni, 3. Designed by Giuseppe Pistocchi and decorated by Felice Giani, including statues and bas-reliefs by Antonio Trentanove, it is a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture.

Address: Piazza Pietro Nenni 3, 48018 Faenza

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Museo civico di Scienze Naturali Malmerendi

Museo civico di Scienze Naturali Malmerendi
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Natural history museum, Specialty museum, Museum, Science museum

Address: Via Medaglie d'Oro 51, 48018 Faenza

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Chiesa del Suffragio

Chiesa del Suffragio
wikipedia / Controllore Fiscale / Public Domain

A very central Baroque church, the church of San Filippo Neri or Suffragio church is located in Faenza, along Corso Mazzini.

Address: Corso Mazzini, 59, 48018 Faenza

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Parco Roberto Bucci

Parco Roberto Bucci
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Relax in park, Park

Address: Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 48018 Faenza

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Chiesa di Sant'Ippolito

Chiesa di Sant'Ippolito
wikipedia / Controllore Fiscale / Public Domain

The Church of Saints Hippolytus and Lawrence is a place of worship in Faenza, in the province of Ravenna.

Address: Via Sant Ippolito, 27, 48018 Faenza

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Museo Carlo Zauli

Museo Carlo Zauli
facebook / museocarlozauli / CC BY-SA 3.0

Specialty museum, Museum, Art museum

Address: Via della Croce 6, 48018 Faenza

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Church of San Filippo Neri

Church of San Filippo Neri
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Also known as: Chiesa di San Filippo Neri


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