
What to See in Écija - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 9 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Écija (Spain). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Convento de la Santísima Trinidad y Purísima Concepción, Iglesia de San Gil, and Real Monasterio de Santa Inés del Valle. Also, be sure to include Church of Santiago in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Écija (Andalusia).

Convento de la Santísima Trinidad y Purísima Concepción

wikipedia / Varpaijos / CC BY-SA 3.0

Monastery. Convento de la Santísima Trinidad y Purísima Concepción is located in Écija, Province of Seville, Spain. It is governed by the Franciscan Conceptionists. Popularly known as Marroquies, it is located a few meters from the Iglesia de la Limpia Concepción de Nuestra Señora. In 1582, the Marroquí sisters, Luisa, Catalina, Ana and Francisca, descendants of one of the oldest families of Ecija, decided to found a monastery of nuns. The blessing of the new church and convent complex occurred on May 21, 1596. It was declared a Bien de Interés Cultural site on November 17, 2009. The simple structure contains its original angular belfry and a collection of paintings, altarpieces, sculptures, and jewelry, featuring Moorish and Andalusian Baroque art.[1]

Address: c/. Secretario Armesto, 41400 Ecija

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Iglesia de San Gil

Iglesia de San Gil
facebook / Hermandad-San-Gil-758940570926214 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Top attraction, Church, Museum

Address: Calle San Antonio, 41400 Ecija

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Real Monasterio de Santa Inés del Valle

Building in Écija, Spain
wikipedia / Zarateman / Public Domain

Building in Écija, Spain. Real Monasterio de Santa Inés del Valle is located in Écija, Province of Seville, Spain. The convent is served by Poor Clares. Founded in the late 15th century, its church is designed in Baroque style and dates to the early 17th century. Reports in 2002 stated that the building was in serious disrepair.[2]

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Church of Santiago

Church of Santiago
wikipedia / José Enrique Viola Nevado / CC BY-SA 4.0

The church of Santiago or Church of Santiago el Mayor of Ecija is located in the square of Santiago. It was declared of Cultural Interest as a Historic-Artistic Monument since 1983. It is the canonical seat of the Brotherhood of Santiago, or the Students.

Address: Calle Santiago 4, 41400 Ecija

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Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
wikipedia / mandarachez / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Iglesia de Santa María

The church of Santa María de Écija is located in the Plaza de Santa María, where an 18th century monument carved in marble of the patron saints of Ecija, the Virgen del Valle and San Pablo, is located. It is the canonical seat of the Hermandad del Cautivo/La Borriquita and the Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de Rocío.

Address: Plaza de Santa Maria, Écija

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Church of San Juan

Church of San Juan
wikipedia / José Luis Filpo Cabana / CC BY 4.0

The Church of San Juan Bautista of Ecija is located in the Plaza de San Juan, s/n, standing out for its beautiful tower. It is one of the oldest religious buildings in the city, in fact, in the last restoration works that have been carried out in the main courtyard, remains of the old temple have been located. It is the canonical seat of the Brotherhood of San Juan, which makes its penitential station in the Madrugá.

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Iglesia Mayor de Santa Cruz

Iglesia Mayor de Santa Cruz
wikipedia / Zarateman / Public Domain

The Major Parish Church of Santa Cruz de Ecija is located in the square of Nuestra Señora del Valle. Its hierarchical importance in past times is revealed by the canonical title of Santa Cruz de Jerusalén, reserved to the major churches or heads of See. It is the canonical seat of the brotherhoods listed below.

Address: Plaza Ntra. Sra. del Valle, 5, 41400 Écija

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Palacio de Peñaflor

Palacio de Peñaflor
wikipedia / Instant2010 / CC BY 2.0

Peñaflor Palace, also known as the Palace of the Long Balconies, is an 18th-century Spanish urban building in the Baroque style, located in Écija, in the province of Seville, Andalusia.

Address: Calle Emilio Castelar 26, 41400 Ecija

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Iglesia de Santa Bárbara

Iglesia de Santa Bárbara
wikipedia / Varpaijos / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Church of Santa Barbara is a Spanish Catholic church, which is located in the Sevillian town of Écija. Located in the central Plaza de España, popularly known as the Hall. This church belongs to the parish of the neighboring Parish of Santa Maria Nuestra Señora. It is the canonical seat of the Brotherhood of Jesus Without Rope, which makes its departure every Good Friday. In addition, it receives worship the patron saint of Ecija: St. Paul the Apostle.

Address: Plaza de Espana, Écija

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