
What to See in Chełm - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 6 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Chełm (Poland). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Basilica of the Birth of the Virgin Mary, Chełm Chalk Tunnels, and Katedra pw. Rozesłania Świętych Apostołów. Also, be sure to include Kościół Matki Boskiej Zwycięskiej in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Chełm (Lublin).

Basilica of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

Church in Chełm, Poland
wikipedia / Akna / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Bazylika Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Chełmie

Church in Chełm, Poland. The Basilica of the Birth of the Virgin Mary is a church and monastery complex of the Catholic Church in the Polish city of Chełm. The church and the courtyard of the Basilica of the Birth of the Virgin Mary stand in the centre of Chełm on Chełm Hill. Over its history, the church has been Ukrainian Orthodox, Ukrainian Greek Catholic, and Latin Catholic. Surrounding the basilica's grounds is a city park and a cemetery.[1]

Address: ul. Lubelska 2, 22-100 Chelm

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Chełm Chalk Tunnels

Museum in Chełm, Poland
wikipedia / Ala z / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Podziemia kredowe w Chełmie

Museum in Chełm, Poland. The Chełm Chalk Tunnels are a system of tunnels dug into the chalk under the city of Chełm in eastern Poland. The tunnelling began in the Middle Ages for chalk mining and was discontinued in the 19th century. The tunnels also served Chełm's inhabitants as shelters during raids, wars and pillage. The system is now open solely for tourists. In total, the network of tunnels stretches for around 15 kilometres.[2]

Address: Ul. Lubelska 55A, Chełm

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Katedra pw. Rozesłania Świętych Apostołów

Katedra pw. Rozesłania Świętych Apostołów
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Church of the Dissemination of the Holy Apostles in Chelm - a parish church in the Roman Catholic parish of the same name, located at 55 Lubelska Street in Chelm.

Address: 55 Lubelska, Chełm

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Kościół Matki Boskiej Zwycięskiej

Kościół Matki Boskiej Zwycięskiej
wikipedia / Ar2rek / CC BY-SA 3.0

Church of Our Lady of Victory is a Polish-Catholic parish church in Chełm belonging to the Lublin-Chełm deanery of the Diocese of Warsaw.

It is a brick church built in 1928 as a "Corso" movie theater. In 1947 it was purchased by the Polish-Catholic parish and now serves as the parish church.

The movie theater had an auditorium for 600 people. It changed its name twice: in 1930 to "Sun" and in 1936 to "Apollo". In the interwar period, the cinema theater also played host to performances by amateur theater groups

Address: 14 Adama Mickiewicza, Chełm

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Galeria Atelier

Galeria Atelier
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Address: Lwowska 24, Chełm

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Bosch Serwice

Bosch Serwice
facebook / fundament.serwis / CC BY-SA 3.0

Address: Szpitalna 42/1, Chełm

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