
What to See in Cerveteri - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 7 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Cerveteri (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Tomb of the Reliefs, Regolini-Galassi tomb, and Museo Nazionale Cerite "Claudia Ruspoli". Also, be sure to include Palazzo Ruspoli in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Cerveteri (Lazio).

Tomb of the Reliefs

Tomb of the Reliefs
wikipedia / Roberto Ferrari / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Tomba dei Rilievi

The Tomb of the Reliefs is an Etruscan tomb in the Banditaccia necropolis near Cerveteri, Italy.

It was discovered in 1847 and has been dated to the end of the 4th century BC. It is a unique example of an Etruscan tomb which is decorated with stucco reliefs instead of the usual frescoes.[1]

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Regolini-Galassi tomb

Regolini-Galassi tomb
wikipedia / Sailko / CC BY-SA 3.0

The tomb known as the Regolini-Galassi tomb is one of the wealthiest Etruscan family tombs in Caere, an ancient city in Italy approximately 50–60 kilometres north-northwest of Rome. The tomb dates to between 650 and 600 BC, most likely in the 640s BC. Based on the evidence of the tomb's architecture and its contents, it was built by a wealthy family of Caere. The grave goods included with the two decedents included bronze cauldrons and gold jewellery of Etruscan origin in the Oriental style. The tomb was discovered in 1836 in modern-day Cerveteri in an undisturbed condition and named after the excavators, general Vincenzo Galassi and the archpriest of Cerveteri, Alessandro Regolini. Both of these men had previous experience opening and excavating tombs in the area of Caere.

The contents of the tomb were published in detail by Luigi Grifi in 1841.[2]

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Museo Nazionale Cerite "Claudia Ruspoli"

Museo Nazionale Cerite Claudia Ruspoli
facebook / Museo-Nazionale-Archeologico-di-Cerveteri-628787570515200 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Specialty museum, Museum

Address: Piazza Santa Maria, 00052 Cerveteri

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Palazzo Ruspoli

Palazzo Ruspoli
facebook / palazzoprincipiruspoli / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Piazza Santa Maria 12, Cerveteri

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Amici Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Cerveteri

Amici Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Cerveteri
facebook / facebook


Address: Piazza Santa Maria 4, Cerveteri

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Piazza Risorgimento

Piazza Risorgimento
facebook / piazzarisorgimentocerveteri / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Piazza Risorgimento, Cerveteri

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Necropoli della Banditaccia e Via degli Inferi - Cerveteri

Necropoli della Banditaccia e Via degli Inferi - Cerveteri
facebook / facebook

Address: Piazza della Necropoli, Cerveteri

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