
What to See in Wismar - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Wismar (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: St. Nicholas Church, St. Georgen, and Wassertor. Also, be sure to include Rathaus and market place in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Wismar (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania).

St. Nicholas Church

Protestant church in Wismar, Germany
wikipedia / Herbert Weber, Hildesheim / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: Nikolaikirche

Protestant church in Wismar, Germany. The Church St. Nicholas of Wismar was built from 1381 until 1487 as a church for sailors and fishermen. St. Nicholas is one of the finest testaments to mediaeval brick architecture in northern Germany.

Based upon the design of Marienkirche (Saint Mary's) in Lübeck it is the second highest brick basilica church in the world after St. Mary's of Lübeck. St. Nicholas along with St. Mary's and St. George's, is one of the three great churches that dominate the skyline of the city of Wismar and since 2002 it is on the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the old Hanseatic City.[1]

Address: An der Nikolaikirche, Wismar

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St. Georgen

St. Georgen
wikipedia / Niteshift / CC BY 3.0

St. Jerzy in Wismar - is one of the three major parish churches in Wismar next to the church of St. Nicholas and the Mary's Church. He is the youngest and at the same time the biggest when it comes to sizes, from the mentioned sacred buildings of this Hanseatic city. He was in the past the Church of Mecklenburg and the guild of craftsmen. It was heavily damaged during the Second World War remained in a state of ruins throughout the GDR's existence. After 1990, his reconstruction began.

St. Jerzy is part of the Old Town in Wismar, which in 2002 was entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Faithful belonging to the church of St. Jerzy now form a joint parish with the parish of the Mary's Church (German. EV.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde St. Marien / St. Georgen).

Address: St.-Georgen-Kirchhof 1A, 23966 Wismar

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wikipedia / Niteshift / CC BY 3.0

The Water Gate in Wismar on Wasserstraße in the northwest of the city's historic center is a port gate of the Hanseatic city in the style of brick Gothic and the last surviving of formerly five city gates of the Wismar city fortifications. The street leading to it is called Spiegelberg. It was also the only beach or harbor gate through which one could enter the city directly from the harbor. The others, all land gates, were the Poeler Tor or Haraldstor in the north, furthermore the Mecklenburger Tor in the south, the Lübsche Tor in the west as well as the Altwismartor or Rostocker Tor as counterpart in the east, in each case at the end of the street of the same name. South of the Wassertor, there was another "Wassertor" as a wall passage of the Grube, a canal-like east-west running artificial water arm from the 13th century and in the southeast a wind gate.

Address: Spiegelberg 68, 23966 Wismar

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Rathaus and market place

Rathaus and market place
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

The town hall of the Hanseatic city of Wismar is a neoclassical building erected on the market square from 1817 to 1819.

Address: Am Markt 1, Wismar

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State Museum of Technology

State Museum of Technology
wikipedia / Niteshift / CC BY 3.0

The Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Museum of Technology was founded in 1961 in Schwerin as the Polytechnic Museum and was located in several rooms within Schwerin Castle. Later, it moved to the Marstall buildings next to the castle.

Since December 2012, the technology museum is located at the Phantechnikum in the city of Wismar, 40 km north of Schwerin.[2]

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Viereggenhöfer Teich

Lake in Germany
wikipedia / Cimornocebo / CC BY-SA 3.0

Lake in Germany. Viereggenhöfer Teich is a lake in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. At an elevation of 8 m, its surface area is 0.37 km².[3]

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Lake in Germany
wikipedia / Niteshift / CC BY-SA 3.0

Lake in Germany. Mühlenteich is a lake in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Its elevation is 4 m and its surface area is 0.482 km2. The water body is highly indented. There is a prominent southern bay with two smaller islands and a distinct northern bay. The Mühlenteich has a north-south extension of about 1700 metres and a west-east extension of about 400 metres. Large parts of the pond shore, especially in the south, are marshy and mostly silted up. The Wallenstein Ditch, which is dammed in the pond, flows into it in the southwest and leaves it again in the north. In addition, the Mühlenbach flows off in the west through the inner city towards the Baltic Sea. Another tributary is a ditch from the south-east. The south-western part of the water body belongs to the nature reserve Teichgebiet Wismar-Kluß. The pond is used for commercial trout farming.

At times, the Mühlenteich served as Wismar's drinking water supply. When the water pipes from springs near Metelsdorf were cut during the siege of Wismar in 1675, drawing water from only one region proved disadvantageous. Therefore, from 1685 onwards, water was additionally pumped from the mill pond into a former defence tower, which was part of the city's fortifications and is now called the Old Water Tower, and piped from there. Due to the danger of cholera, the water from the pond was not allowed to be mixed with Metelsdorf water since 1892.[4]

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wikipedia / Nightflyer / CC BY-SA 3.0

Phantechnikum is an interactive scientific institution in Wismar introducing visitors to the history and development of technology in the Land of Mecklenburg-Front Comotor. In addition to the traditional exhibition, guests of the museum have the chance to "test" the exhibits collected in it, including through various types of experiments. The facility has nearly 2,500 m² of exhibition space. Until 2011, Phantechnikum was located in the former coach house in Schwerin. Currently, the seat of the facility is located in Wismar in the buildings of former military barracks located near the People's Park.

The exhibits collected in the Phantechnic are presented in four exhibition spaces corresponding to the Platonic division of the elements into: fire, water, earth and air. Thanks to this, the accumulated products of human technical thought create a coherent, but also clearly demarcable whole.

Visiting the Phantechnicum, his guests (from childhood to the elderly) can conduct various types of experiments related to man's use of these forces of nature. The facility's colleagues in the local laboratory offer visitors a number of shows regarding, e.g. fire properties. Almost every facility in the museum can be touched and started.

In Phantechnikum, attractions such as "Fire Tunnel", reconstruction of the Heinkel He 178 aircraft, a Gork Fock diesel engine and a steam engine manufactured by Zakład Świderski are waiting for tourists and technical lovers. It is worth remembering that the presented museum collections do not focus only on the past, but also on the present. Phantechnikum also presents the latest achievements of human technical thought, including in the field of renewable energy sources such as wind farms.

Address: Zum Festplatz 3, 23966 Wismar

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wikipedia / Norbert Kaiser / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Museum of City History of the Hanseatic City of Wismar is located in Wismar-Altstadt in the Schabbellhaus, Schweinsbrücke No. 6 and 8.

The building is a listed building.

Address: Schweinsbruecke 6/8, 23966 Wismar

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Ruine der Marienkirche

Ruine der Marienkirche
wikipedia / Wikswat / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Mary's Church in Wismar - is one of the three main parish churches in Wismar next to the church of St. Mikołaj and the church of St. Jerzy. It was erected as the church of the Wismar City Council and belongs to the oldest buildings of this Hanseatic city.

Currently, there is only a church tower. The main body of the temple, seriously damaged during World War II, was demolished in 1960 by blowing it up. The preserved brick tower, measuring 80 m is currently the highest of the church towers of the former main churches of the city.

The tower of St. Mary's Church is part of the Old Town in Wismar, which in 2002 was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The faithful once belonging to the parish of St. Mary's Church currently form a joint parish with the parish of the church of St. Jerzy (German: ev.-art. Kirchgemeinde St. Marien/st. Georgen).

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Tierpark Wismar

Tierpark Wismar
wikipedia / Veliensis / CC BY-SA 4.0

Wismar Zoo is a zoo located on the outskirts of the Hanseatic city of Wismar, about two kilometers southwest of the historic center. The long, largely wooded area in the valley of the Köppernitz borders the Bürgerpark, the site of the 2002 state horticultural show.

Address: Zum Festplatz 4, 23966 Wismar

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