
What to See in Klütz - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 8 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Klütz (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Schloss Bothmer, Schmetterlingspark Klütz, and Uwe Johnson Haus. Also, be sure to include De Lütt Kaffeebrenner in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Klütz (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania).

Schloss Bothmer

Castle in Klütz, Germany
wikipedia / JFKCom / CC BY-SA 3.0

Castle in Klütz, Germany. Schloss Bothmer is a Baroque palatial manor house ensemble in northern Germany. It was built for Count Hans Caspar von Bothmer to designs by architect Johann Friedrich Künnecke in 1726–32. It remained the property of the Bothmer family until 1945. It is today owned by the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and, following a renovation in 2009–15, open to the public. It is the largest Baroque-era country house ensemble in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.[1]

Address: Am Park, 23948 Klütz

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Schmetterlingspark Klütz

Schmetterlingspark Klütz
facebook / Schmetterlingspark.kluetz / CC BY-SA 3.0

Amusement, Nature and wildlife, Park, Zoo, Amusement park

Address: An der Festwiese 2, 23948 Kluetz

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Uwe Johnson Haus

Uwe Johnson Haus
wikipedia / MrsMyer / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Uwe Johnson

Uwe Johnson was a German writer, editor, and scholar.[2]

Address: Im Thurow 14, 23948 Klütz

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De Lütt Kaffeebrenner

De Lütt Kaffeebrenner
wikipedia / Holger.Ellgaard / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Grevesmühlen-Klütz railroad line was a single-track branch line opened in 1905 in northwestern Mecklenburg. The tracks of the line, also called "Kaffeebrenner" or "Klützer Kaffeebrenner", were dismantled in 2006. The name originated from the fact that near the station of Klütz was a malt house, which produced, among other things, a well-known malt coffee.

In 2014, the northern section of the railroad line was reopened as a narrow-gauge railroad.

Address: Bahnhofstraße 4, Klütz

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Mary's Church

Mary's Church
wikipedia / Rabanus Flavus / Public Domain

St. Mary's Church in the small town of Klütz in Mecklenburg is a brick Gothic church from the period of transition from Romanesque to Gothic. It is the church of the parish of Klütz in the district of Nordwestmecklenburg. The parish belongs to the Wismar provostry in the Mecklenburg church district of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany.

Address: Wismarsche Str. 2A, 23948 Klütz

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Klützer Mühle

Klützer Mühle
wikipedia / Ch. Pagenkopf / CC BY-SA 3.0

The windmill is a listed building in Klütz in the district of Nordwestmecklenburg.

Address: An der Mühle 36, 23948 Klütz

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Mariä Himmelfahrt

Mariä Himmelfahrt
wikipedia / Rabanus Flavus / Public Domain

The Catholic church of St. Mary's Assumption on the eastern outskirts of Klütz is a branch church of the parish of Sel. Niels Stensen in Grevesmühlen.

The small diaspora church was built in 1932 as a simple hall building with barrel vault. It received the patrocinium of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Inside, the depiction of the coronation of Mary on the altar wall is remarkable.

Mary Collingwood, the converted Countess of Bothmer, played a decisive role in the establishment of the Catholic chaplaincy in Klütz and in the construction of the church. Services were held in a Klütz inn from 1915, in Bothmer Castle from 1918, and in the cemetery chapel from 1925 until the present church was built in 1932.

The church and the circumstances of its construction are also the subject of Uwe Johnson's Jahrestagen.

Address: 14 Wismarsche Straße, Klütz

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wikipedia / Oberlausitzerin64 / CC BY-SA 4.0
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