
What to See in Wilhelmshaven - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Wilhelmshaven (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke, Wasserturm Wilhelmshaven, and Lake Bant. Also, be sure to include Botanischer Garten der Stadt Wilhelmshaven in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Wilhelmshaven (Lower Saxony).


Bridge in Wilhelmshaven, Germany
wikipedia / Public Domain

Bridge in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. The Kaiser Wilhelm Bridge is a swing bridge in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, and the town's landmark.[1]

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Wasserturm Wilhelmshaven

Wasserturm Wilhelmshaven
wikipedia / Olaf Aumann / CC BY-SA 4.0

Wasserturm Wilhelmshaven is a 42 meters tall landmark of Wilhelmshaven in Lower Saxony, Germany. The tower was built in the years of 1910-11 as the third water tower of Wilhelmshaven, and still functions as an important part of the town's water supply. It was originally constructed with a suspended drinking water storage element consisting of two alloyed steel chambers. Both chambers could contain between 800 and 1200 cubic meters of water.

The water container was revamped in 2007 during a working period of several months, and the whole tower including the foundation was reconstructed. After 100 years of operation the technique of the tower was outdated. Corrosion damages resulted in leaks of the inner connections. The old container was completely demounted during the reconstruction, and a new one made of stainless steel with a diameter of 15.90 (water level 8.75 meters) was installed. The new container has a water capability of 1750 cubic meters.[2]

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Lake Bant

Lake in Germany
wikipedia / Ra Boe / Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Banter See

Lake in Germany. Lake Bant, or Banter See in German, is an artificial lake in the North Sea port city of Wilhelmshaven in north-west Germany. It is about 2.6 kilometres long and 0.5 kilometres wide. It was originally part of the harbour complex created by enclosing part of Jade Bight bordering the city's waterfront for military and industrial use. It used to contain naval facilities, including a submarine base. Now separated from the port, it is used mainly for recreation and research. It is surrounded by parkland, recreational facilities, up-market housing, research institutes and company offices.[3]

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Botanischer Garten der Stadt Wilhelmshaven

Botanical garden in Wilhelmshaven, Germany
wikipedia / Gerd Fahrenhorst / CC BY 4.0

Also known as: Botanischer Garten Wilhelmshaven

Botanical garden in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. The Botanischer Garten der Stadt Wilhelmshaven is a municipal botanical garden located at Gökerstraße 125, Wilhelmshaven, Lower Saxony, Germany. It is open daily in the warmer months; admission is free.

The garden was established in 1947 as a school garden. Its major collection represents typical plants of northern Germany, from environments including heath, dunes, forests, meadows, and ponds. Other outdoor collections include a medicinal garden, ornamental plants, and thematically arranged areas. Its greenhouses contain plants from the Mediterranean, tropics, and subtropics including coffee, cocoa, bananas, sugarcane, rice, carnivorous plants, succulents, epiphytic bromeliads and orchids, and Victoria cruziana.[4]

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German destroyer Mölders

German destroyer Mölders
wikipedia / Chaospaddler / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Mölders

D186 Mölders was one of three Lütjens-class guided-missile destroyers, a modified version of the American Charles F. Adams class, built for the Bundesmarine during the 1960s.[5]

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wikipedia / Gerd Fahrenhorst / CC BY 3.0

The cemetery of honor in Wilhelmshaven is located on the edge of the Rüstringer Stadtpark and was established between 1912 and 1914 as a burial place for the naval garrison.

The cemetery of honor goes back to plans by the Hamburg horticultural architect Leberecht Migge, who designed it together with the city park. Many of the marines who died in World War I, especially those from the Battle of Skagerrak, were buried here. In the cemetery there are memorials and honorary monuments in memory of the dead who died on various warships: the battle cruiser Lützow, the tankers Deutschland and Admiral Graf Spee, the battleships Tirpitz and Scharnhorst, the destroyers Leberecht Maass and Max Schultz, the flak cruiser Medusa, as well as for the fallen submariners of both world wars.

There are also two graves of deceased Soviet prisoners of war in the cemetery.

The cemetery of honor has since been taken over by the city of Wilhelmshaven as a municipal cemetery.

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Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven

Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
wikipedia / K. Siereveld / Public Domain

Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven is a museum in Wilhelmshaven. It was opened in 1913 as the Kaiser-Friedrich-Kunsthalle. It was founded on the initiative of the then Chief of Naval Station of the North Sea, Admiral Friedrich Graf von Baudissin, and was intended to make fine art accessible to the inhabitants of the city with changing exhibitions. It has fulfilled this task since its existence.

After its destruction in World War II, the Kunsthalle moved from Viktoriastrasse to a new building on Adalbertplatz in 1968. The old building had been a victim of the bombing. The Wilhelmshaven architects Harms and Sommerfeld realized a matter-of-fact, sober building with elements of Brutalism, based on Bauhaus models, in which a great variety of exhibitions have been shown ever since. The first director after the war was the artist Siegfried Pagel, who also created the concrete relief of the Kunsthalle.

Address: Adalbertstraße 28, Wilhelmshaven

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wikipedia / Waflei~commonswiki / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Evangelical Lutheran St. Jacobi Church is the church of the former parish of Neuende, now the oldest church in the Wilhelmshaven district of Neuende.

Address: 104 Kirchreihe, Wilhelmshaven

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Feuerschiff Weser

Feuerschiff Weser
wikipedia / Wassen / CC BY-SA 3.0

Lightship Weser refers to the following lightships: lightship Weser built in 1874, see Lightship Weser (ship, 1874), lightship Weser built in 1888, before decommissioning last at station ELBE 3, see Elbe 3 (ship, 1888), lightship Weser built in 1907, see Lightship Weser (ship, 1907)

Address: 5 Bontekai, Wilhelmshaven

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Kopperhörner Mühle

Kopperhörner Mühle
wikipedia / Ein Dahmer / CC BY-SA 4.0


Address: 148 Mühlenweg, Wilhelmshaven

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facebook / facebook

Outdoor activities, Park, Relax in park

Address: Neuengrodener Weg 22, 26386 Wilhelmshaven

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