
What to See in Sagunto - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Sagunto (Spain). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Sagunto Castle, Teatre Romà de Sagunt, and Marjal dels Moros. Also, be sure to include Parroquia de El Salvador in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Sagunto (Valencia).

Sagunto Castle

Castle in Sagunto, Spain
wikipedia / Mike1979 Russia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Castillo de Sagunto

Castle in Sagunto, Spain. Sagunto Castle is a fortress overlooking the town of Sagunto, near Valencia in Spain. The site's history extends back over two thousand years and includes Iberian, Roman and medieval remains. During the Islamic period, the castle was known as Murbĩtar and Morvedre. The castle was declared a National Monument in 1931.

The sacking of the Iberian settlement by Hannibal in 219 BC led to the outbreak of the Second Punic War. The visible walls are largely Islamic in origin, with substantial modifications taking place after the end of Islamic rule, with the defences being strengthened and modernised. In 1811, during the Napoleonic Wars, the French laid siege to the castle, and were ultimately successful in taking it, after which the defences were repaired.[1]

Address: Calle del Castillo, 18, Sagunto

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Teatre Romà de Sagunt

Theatre in Sagunto, Spain
wikipedia / José Luis Filpo Cabana / CC BY 3.0

Also known as: Teatro romano de Sagunto

Theatre in Sagunto, Spain. The Teatro romano de Sagunto is a Roman theatre located in Sagunto, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1896. The Roman Theatre of Sagunto is located at the foot of the mountain crowned by Sagunto Castle. It occupies the intermediate terrace, between the city and the upper platform chaired by the Forum, Civic Center of the municipality, responding to an urban planning of the times of Emperor Augustus. It was built in the middle of the first century, using the slope of the mountain. It consists of two distinct parts: the cavea or grandstands, semicircular and composed by three orders of stands and the scaene, which rises to the height of the top of the grandstands porch. It is semicircular in shape and can seat 8,000 spectators.[2]

Address: Calle Vieja del Castillo, Sagunto

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Marjal dels Moros

Marjal dels Moros
wikipedia / Carlos Latorre / Public Domain

The marsh of the Moor or the marsh of the Moor is a protected area ZEPA, a wetland located between the municipalities of Puzol and Sagunto, in the province of Valencia, specifically in the Huerta Norte. It is one of the most important areas for waterfowl in the province of Valencia.

Previously, this marsh covered the distance between the Albufera and, along the coast, Canet de Berenguer. Its destruction began with the cultivation of rice and later, due to the drop in crop prices, the land was sold for the construction of houses on the beach, which completely destroyed the marsh and separated it into small nuclei, of which only the marsh of Rafalell and Vistabella, in Masamagrell and in the Valencian districts of Rafalell and Vistabella, as well as the same marsh of the Moor, in Sagunto/Puzol are preserved.

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Parroquia de El Salvador

Parroquia de El Salvador


Address: Carrer Aben Bahri, 12, Sagunto

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