
What to See in Palafrugell - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 5 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Palafrugell (Spain). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Museu del Suro, Can Mario Museum, and Fundació Josep Pla. Also, be sure to include The Cuixart Foundation in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Palafrugell (Catalonia).

Museu del Suro

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain
wikipedia / Davidpar / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Museo del Corcho de Palafrugell

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain. The Cork Museum of Palafrugell, Spain, is a museum about the cork industry in Catalonia. Founded in 1972, the Cork Museum is part of the Costa Brava Museum Network and the Network of Local Museums of Catalonia in Girona.

The Cork Museum is located in a modernist factory around a small cork forest. The exhibition consists of an audiovisual space, a journey from the forest to work at the factory to obtain plugs, discs, paper and agglomerate, a space to experiment and a space for participation.[1]

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Can Mario Museum

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain
wikipedia / Joanrague / Public Domain

Also known as: Museo Can Mario

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain. Can Mario Museum is the Fundació Vila Casas Museum of Contemporary Sculpture in Palafrugell. It was opened in 2004. It has around 220 works on show dating from the 1960s to the present day by a wide range of artists born or living in Catalonia. Temporary exhibitions are also held every year.

Temporary exhibitions are organised every year. Can Mario was a cork factory dating from the early 20th century and was one of the buildings of the Miquel & Vincke cork company. Today it is a place for contemplating art situated in the Plaça de Can Mario, where we can also find a modernista water tower and the Cork Museum.

Since April 2011, 33 sculptures by artists from the Empordà region of Catalonia have been placed in the Gardens of Can Mario, as permanent, open air exhibits. In October of the same year the Empordà Gallery was opened in the Museum, for holding temporary exhibitions of artists from the region.[2]

Address: Plaça de Can Màrio, 7, 17200 Palafrugell

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Fundació Josep Pla

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain
wikipedia / Davidpar / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Fundación Josep Pla

Museum in Palafrugell, Spain. The Josep Pla Foundation is a literary heritage center that focuses on promoting the reading and study of the literary and journalistic work of Josep Pla. The foundation is located in the writer's hometown, in Palafrugell, where you can see temporary exhibitions and the permanent exhibition "Josep Pla " that explains his professional career in the historical context of the 19th century.

The Foundation was created in 1973, when the writer decided to give his private library and he created the Josep Pla Library Private Foundation, governed by a Board that deals with its conservation and to facilitate access to the interested public.

The Josep Pla Foundation is part of the Espais Escritus, an association related with the Catalan literary heritage.[3]

Address: Carrer Nou, 51, 17200 Palafrugell

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The Cuixart Foundation

The Cuixart Foundation
wikipedia / Kippelboy / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Fundación Cuixart

The Cuixart Foundation is a private non-profit organization located in Palafrugell. It was founded in 1998 by Modest Cuixart i Tàpies.

The organization was set up to illustrate Cuixart's artistic career and to protect his work. Over time, it became a cultural organization that protects his heritage and promotes contemporary Catalan art at an international level. It gives new artists a platform and organizes activities related to art, culture and teaching to inspire new generations. It seeks to sensitize participating artists and give them the intellectual tools to appreciate modern art and its heritage.

In addition, the Cuixart Foundation takes care of the modernist house and workshop where Modest Cuixart lived from the 1970s as part of its cultural heritage.

The Foundation works in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Town Hall of Palafrugell in different educational and cultural projects.[4]

Address: Calle garriga, Palafrugell

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Espai Polivalent de la Biblioteca

Espai Polivalent de la Biblioteca
facebook / ESPAI-RAVAL-1513514348939872 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Address: Carrer Raval Superior 7, Palafrugell

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