
What to See in Mira - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Mira (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Villa Foscari, Villa Widmann, and Parco Villa dei Leoni. Also, be sure to include Villa Mocenigo in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Mira (Veneto).

Villa Foscari

Historical landmark in Italy
wikipedia / Andrea Palladio / CC BY-SA 3.0

16th-century villa with frescoed walls. Villa Foscari is a patrician villa in Mira, near Venice, northern Italy, designed by the Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. It is also known as La Malcontenta, a nickname which - according to a legend - it received when the spouse of one of the Foscaris was locked up in the house because she allegedly didn't live up to her conjugal duty.[1]

Address: Via dei Turisti, 9, 30034 Malcontenta

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Villa Widmann

Building in Mira, Italy
wikipedia / Mhwater / CC BY-SA 3.0

Building in Mira, Italy. The Villa Widmann, also called Widmann-Rezzonico-Foscari, is a villa at the shores of the river Brenta located in the small town of Mira, between Venice and Padua.

The present palace was built in the 18th century. A succession of families including the Sceriman, Donà, Foscari, had previously owned the site. The present palace was apparently designed and built in 1719 by Alessandro (?...Andrea) Tirali, a Venetian architect. The Widmanns commissioned the internal frescoes mainly by Giuseppe Angeli, a pupil of Giambattista Piazzetta, and Gerolamo Mengozzi Colonna, who worked with Tiepolo. The Villa is surrounded by cypress and horse-chestnut trees, and gardens interspersed by several stone statues of gods, nymphs and cupids. A barchessa (a protruding arcade wing usually functioning as storage sheds or stables) and a small church, where Elisabetta and Arianna Widmann are buried, are also part of the Villa's buildings.[2]

Address: Via Nazionale 420, 30034 Mira

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Parco Villa dei Leoni

Parco Villa dei Leoni
facebook / villadeileonimira / CC BY-SA 3.0

Architecture, Park, Relax in park

Address: Riviera Silvio Trentin 3, 30034 Mira

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Villa Mocenigo

Villa Mocenigo
wikipedia / G.F.S. / Public Domain

Villa Mocenigo is a Venetian villa on the Brenta Riviera. It is located on the right bank of the Naviglio in Oriago di Mira. It has been home to the International Center for the Study of Tourism Economics at Ca' Foscari University.

Address: 82/ 83 84 Riviera San Pietro 85, 30034 Mira

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