
What to See in Gifhorn - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 7 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Gifhorn (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: International Wind- and Watermill Museum, Gifhorn Castle, and Adventgemeinde Gifhorn-Mitte. Also, be sure to include St. Bernward in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Gifhorn (Lower Saxony).

International Wind- and Watermill Museum

wikipedia / Torsten Maue / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Internationales Wind- und Wassermühlen-Museum

Open-air museum with wind and water mills. The International Wind- and Watermill Museum, at Gifhorn in the German state of Lower Saxony, is the only one of its kind in Europe. On the museum's open-air site, which covers an area of around 16 hectares, there are currently 16 mills from 12 different countries. The mills are either original or faithful reproductions and are set in landscapes typical of their origins. Right across the site are historic artefacts associated with mills and the milling industry. The museum site is easily accessed by road; nearby is the intersection between the B 4 and B 188 federal highways. The museum is station 65 on the Lower Saxon Mill Road.[1]

Address: Bromer Str. 2, 38518 Gifhorn

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Gifhorn Castle

History museum in Gifhorn, Germany
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Also known as: Schloss Gifhorn

History museum in Gifhorn, Germany. Gifhorn Castle is a castle in Gifhorn, Germany, built between 1525 and 1581 in the Weser Renaissance style. The castle was fortified until 1790 with moats, ramparts and bastions and was never captured. In the 16th century it was the Residenz of the Duchy of Gifhorn under Duke Francis of Brunswick-Lüneburg for just 10 years.[2]

Address: Schloßpl. 1, 38518 Gifhorn

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Adventgemeinde Gifhorn-Mitte

Adventgemeinde Gifhorn-Mitte
facebook / AdventgemeindeGifhorn / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an Adventist Protestant Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the seventh day of the week in Christian and the Hebrew calendar, as the Sabbath, and its emphasis on the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The denomination grew out of the Millerite movement in the United States during the mid-19th century and it was formally established in 1863. Among its co-founders was Ellen G. White, whose extensive writings are still held in high regard by the church. Much of the theology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church corresponds to common evangelical Christian teachings, such as the Trinity and the infallibility of Scripture. Distinctive post-tribulation teachings include the unconscious state of the dead and the doctrine of an investigative judgment. The church is known for its emphasis on diet and health, including adhering to Kosher food laws, advocating vegetarianism, and its holistic view of human nature—i.e. that the body, soul, and spirit form one inseparable entity. The Church holds the belief that "God created the universe, and in a recent six-day creation made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day". Marriage is defined as a lifelong union between a man and a woman. The second coming of Christ, and resurrection of the dead, are among official beliefs.

The world church is governed by a General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, with smaller regions administered by divisions, union conferences, and local conferences. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is currently "one of the fastest-growing and most widespread churches worldwide", with a worldwide baptized membership of over 21 million people, and 25 million adherents. As of May 2007, it was the twelfth-largest religious body in the world, and the sixth-largest highly international religious body. It is ethnically and culturally diverse, and maintains a missionary presence in over 215 countries and territories. The church operates over 7,500 schools including over 100 post-secondary institutions, numerous hospitals, and publishing houses worldwide, as well as a humanitarian aid organization known as the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).[3]

Address: Cellerstr. 12, Gifhorn

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St. Bernward

St. Bernward
wikipedia / Kirchenfan / Public Domain

The Church of Saint Bernward is a Catholic church in the Lower Saxon district town of Gifhorn. Named after the holy bishop Bernward of Hildesheim, the church at Kirchweg 7 belongs to the parish of St. Altfrid Gifhorn/Meine in the Wolfsburg-Helmstedt deanery of the Hildesheim diocese. Not far from the church, which is designated as a historical monument no. 34329788, there is a Catholic cemetery.

Address: Kirchweg 7, Gifhorn

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Lady Devorgilla

Lady Devorgilla
wikipedia / Radler59 / CC BY-SA 3.0


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wikipedia / Radler59 / CC BY-SA 3.0
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St. Altfrid

St. Altfrid
wikipedia / Kirchenfan / Public Domain

The Church of Saint Altfrid is the Catholic parish church in Gifhorn, a district town in the east of Lower Saxony. It is named after the holy Hildesheim bishop and cathedral builder Altfrid and is located at Pommernring 2. The parish of the same name belongs to the Wolfsburg-Helmstedt deanery of the Hildesheim diocese. The parish also includes St. Bernard's Church in Gifhorn and St. Andrew's Church in Meine.

Address: Pommernring 2, 38518 Gifhorn

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