
What to See in Cefalù - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 10 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Cefalù (Italy). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Cefalù Cathedral, Capo Cefalù Lighthouse, and Sanctuary of Gibilmanna. Also, be sure to include Abbey of Thelema in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Cefalù (Sicily).

Cefalù Cathedral

Basilica in Cefalù, Italy
wikipedia / Rolf Dietrich Brecher / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Duomo di Cefalù

Landmark cathedral with soaring towers. The Cathedral of Cefalù is a Roman Catholic basilica in Cefalù, Sicily. It is one of nine structures included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalù and Monreale.

The cathedral was erected between 1131 and 1240 in the Norman architectural style, the island of Sicily having been conquered by the Normans in 1091. According to tradition, the building was erected after a vow made to the Holy Saviour by the King of Sicily, Roger II, after he escaped from a storm to land on the city's beach. The building has a fortress-like character and, seen from a distance, it dominates the skyline of the surrounding medieval town. It made a powerful statement of the Norman presence.[1]

Address: Piazza del Duomo, 90015 Cefalù

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Capo Cefalù Lighthouse

Capo Cefalù Lighthouse
wikipedia / Matthias Süßen / CC BY-SA 4.0

Capo Cefalù Lighthouse is an active lighthouse located on the promontory of Capo Cefalù under the steep limestone ridge, 280 metres high, named Rocca east of Cefalù, Sicily on the Tyrrhenian Sea.[2]

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Sanctuary of Gibilmanna

Shrine in Gibilmanna, Italy
wikipedia / Jeanne boleyn / Public Domain

Also known as: Santuario di Gibilmanna

Shrine in Gibilmanna, Italy. The Sanctuary of Gibilmanna is a Christian shrine in the province of Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy. It is located in Gibilmanna, a frazione of the comune of Cefalù on a slope of the Pizzo Sant'Angelo, a peak in the Madonie chain, at an altitude of some 800 m.[3]

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Abbey of Thelema

Place of worship in Cefalù, Italy
wikipedia / Frater Kybernetes / CC BY-SA 2.0

Also known as: Abbazia di Thélema

Place of worship in Cefalù, Italy. The Abbey of Thelema is a small house which was used as a temple and spiritual centre, founded by Aleister Crowley and Leah Hirsig in Cefalù in 1920.

The villa still stands today, but in poor condition. Filmmaker Kenneth Anger, himself a devotee of Crowley, later uncovered and filmed some of its murals in his film Thelema Abbey (1955), now considered a lost film.[4]

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Rocca di Cefalù

Rocca di Cefalù
wikipedia / Bjs / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Rock of Cefalù, locally called u castieddu in Cefaludese, is a 268-meter-high cliff that towers above Cefalù.

Address: Top of Hill, 90015 Cefalù

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Church of Purgatory

Church of Purgatory
wikipedia / Vinx999 / Public Domain

Also known as: Chiesa del Purgatorio

The Purgatory Church, otherwise known as St. Stephen's Church, is a religious building in Cefalù.

Address: Piazza G Battista Spinola, 7, 90015 Cefalù

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Diana Temple

Diana Temple
wikipedia / Hein56didden / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Temple of Diana is a megalithic structure dating back to the 9th century BC that resides on the cliff located north of the town of Cefalu. The intended use of the complex is still uncertain but the strategic value of the view of the coast below is clear. The oldest part of the site is the cistern. Probably intended for the worship of pagan deities, it was built in several phases in antiquity with square blocks of rock. The site was finally renovated during the 2nd century BC.

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Chiesa dell'Itria

Chiesa dell'Itria
wikipedia / Vinx999 / Public Domain

The Church of the Itria is a religious building in Cefalù.

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Osterio Magno

Osterio Magno
wikipedia / Giucomy / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Osterio Magno is a historic fortified palace of Cefalù.

Address: Corso Ruggero 71, Cefalù

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Tempio di Diana

Tempio di Diana

Address: Salita delle Pecore, 14, 90015 Cefalù, Cefalù

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