
What to See in Wiesloch - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Wiesloch (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Brunnengalerie, Pankratiuskapelle, and Jewish Cemetery. Also, be sure to include Schützengesellschaft Wiesloch 1901 e. V. in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Wiesloch (Baden-Württemberg).


wikipedia / 4028mdk09 / Public Domain

The fountain gallery in Wiesloch on the Adenauerplatz in front of the Laurentius Church presents seven objects by various artists in and near a fountain as part of the Art in Public Space program. The installation of the ensemble was initiated in 2007/08 by the Bürgerstiftung Kunst für Wiesloch e.V. (Citizens' Foundation Art for Wiesloch).

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wikipedia / peter schmelzle / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Pancratius Chapel in Altwiesloch, a district of Wiesloch in the Rhine-Neckar district in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is a historic church building whose oldest parts probably date from the 14th century.

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Jewish Cemetery

Jewish Cemetery
wikipedia / peter schmelzle / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Jüdischer Friedhof

The Wiesloch Jewish Cemetery in Wiesloch in the Rhine-Neckar district in northern Baden-Württemberg was established in the 17th century. It is a protected cultural monument.

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Schützengesellschaft Wiesloch 1901 e. V.

Schützengesellschaft Wiesloch 1901 e. V.
facebook / sgwiesloch / CC BY-SA 3.0

Address: Gewann Haagen 1, Wiesloch

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