
What to See in Soltau - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Soltau (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Krake, Colossos, and Limit Roller Coaster. Also, be sure to include Flug der Dämonen in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Soltau (Lower Saxony).


Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / YanCoasterman / CC BY-SA 3.0

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany. Krake is a steel Dive Coaster roller coaster at Heide Park in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard. It is the first roller coaster of its kind in Germany. At a cost of 12 million euros, the roller coaster features floorless trains, 476 m of track, and a maximum height of 41 m. The attraction officially opened to the public on April 16, 2011.[1]

Address: Heide Park Resort, 29614 Soltau

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Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / Sami The Jaguar / CC BY 3.0

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany. Colossos - Kampf der Giganten, German for "Colossos: Battle of the Giants", is a wooden roller coaster located at Heide Park in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany. Manufactured by Intamin, the roller coaster opened as simply Colossos in 2001. Unlike traditional wooden coasters, its track was prefabricated, laser-cut in a factory to a high degree of precision, with sections designed to snap together like Lego pieces. Some of its planks were tightly bonded in multiple layers instead of traditionally nailed together by hand. The roller coaster closed in 2016 due to deteriorating track conditions and reopened in 2019 after refurbishment.[2]

Address: Heide Park Resort, 29614 Soltau

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Limit Roller Coaster

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / mathias.apitz / CC BY 2.0

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany. Limit, Is a steel roller coaster located at Heide Park, Germany. It opened in 1999 and is a standard 689m layout Suspended Looping Coaster manufactured by Vekoma. The colour scheme of the ride is a white track and olive green supports. It is located in the 'Transilvania' section of the park.[3]

Address: Heide Park Resort, 29614 Soltau

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Flug der Dämonen

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / YanCoasterman / CC BY-SA 3.0

Roller coaster in Soltau, Germany. Flug der Dämonen is a Bolliger & Mabillard Wing Coaster at the Heide Park Resort amusement park located in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany. The attraction officially opened to the public on March 29, 2014.[4]

Address: Heide Park Resort, 29614 Soltau

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Heide Park

Theme park in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / Sami The Jaguar / CC BY 3.0

Amusement park with rides and attractions. Heide Park Resort, commonly known as Heide Park, is a theme park in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany. With an overall area of over 850,000 m2, it is the largest amusement park in Northern Germany and among the largest in the country. It is part of the British-based Merlin Entertainments which operates 123 attractions in 24 countries.[5]

Address: Heide Park 1, 29614 Soltau

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Desert Race

Desert Race
wikipedia / YanCoasterman / CC BY-SA 3.0

Desert Race is a steel roller coaster manufactured by Intamin at Heide Park Resort in Soltau, Germany. It was officially inaugurated on May 15, 2007, and was Germany's first catapult launch roller coaster, more specifically an accelerator coaster. It uses a hydraulic drive system that accelerates the cars to 100 km/h in 2.4 seconds, with the coaster reaching a top speed of 102 km/h. The track length of the coaster is 650 meters, which are passed in 49 seconds. Braking is done on the last airtime hill and after the final curve with eddy current brakes. The maximum g-force is 4.7 g.

Address: Heide Park Resort, 29614 Soltau

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Toy Museum

Museum in Soltau, Germany
wikipedia / Frank Vincentz / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Spielmuseum Soltau

Museum in Soltau, Germany. The Soltau Toy Museum, formerly the North German Toy Museum in Soltau originated from a private collection. It was founded in 1984 by Hannelore Ernst.

The museum is located in a listed building which consists of a shop and house in the centre of Soltau. Exhibits from four centuries recall something of the history of toys and culture. In addition to dolls made of the widest variety of materials there are doll's houses, rooms, kitchens and shops as well as model railways, and lead and wooden toys, Laterna Magica devices and a host of teddy bears and stuffed toys. There are also opportunities to play with some of the toys. The museum has a total area of 600 square metres and receives 40,000 visitors a year.

The pièce de resistance of the exhibition is Dingley Hall, a three-metre-wide (9.8 ft) and two-metre-high (6.6 ft) doll's house that was bought in 2003 for €190,000 at Christie's in London. This exhibit is, however, only part of a valuable collection that represents decades of work.

In order to ensure the continued existence of this important collection, a charitable foundation, the "Stiftung Spiel: Historisches Spielzeug - innovative Spielräume" was formed and has run the museum since 1 August 2005. The Ernst family has transferred its toy collection to the foundation.[6]

Address: Poststr. 7, 29614 Soltau

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wikipedia / Friedrich Haag / CC BY-SA 4.0

The St. Johannis Church is the oldest Evangelical Lutheran Church in Soltau.

Address: Rühberg 7, 29614 Soltau

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Breidings Garten

Breidings Garten
wikipedia / Hajotthu / CC BY-SA 3.0

Breidings Garten is a landscape park in the town of Soltau in Lower Saxony, Germany, which was laid out in the English style from 1850 and has been a listed monument since 1993. For the German Foundation for Monument Protection, the park is "considered unique in its diversity throughout Lower Saxony."

Address: Breidingsgarten 5, Soltau

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Municipal Mill

Municipal Mill
wikipedia / Etmot / CC BY-SA 3.0


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Holy Spirit Church in Wolterdingen

Holy Spirit Church in Wolterdingen
facebook / Heilig-Geist-Kirche-Wolterdingen-1260081570719493 / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Wolterdinger Dorfstraße 2, Soltau

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