
What to See in Royalston - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Royalston (United States). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Doane's Falls, Royalston Falls, and Jacobs Hill. Also, be sure to include Spirit Falls in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Royalston (Massachusetts).

Doane's Falls

Waterfall in Massachusetts
wikipedia / Eric Hill / CC BY-SA 2.0

Waterfall in Massachusetts. Doane's Falls is a series of five waterfalls located in Royalston, Massachusetts along an 0.2-mile section of Lawrence Brook, a tributary of the Millers River that originates from Laurel Lake in Fitzwilliam. The falls are part of a 46-acre open space preserve acquired in 1959 by the land conservation non-profit organization The Trustees of Reservations. The 22-mile Tully Trail passes through the property.

The preserve is open to fishing, walking, picnicking, and hiking only; swimming and wading were banned in 2002 following a series of diving injuries and deaths. Canoeing and kayaking are allowed upstream from the falls along Coddings Meadow, a flatwater section of Lawrence Brook.

Doane's Falls are part of a larger contiguous area of protected open space, connected by the Tully Trail and including the United States Army Corps of Engineers' Tully Lake flood control project, The Trustees of Reservations' Jacobs Hill and Royalston Falls properties, and Massachusetts state forest land. Tully Lake Campground, a 35-site walk-in and tent only facility jointly managed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the Trustees of Reservations, abuts the west side of the Falls property.[1]

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Royalston Falls

Waterfall in Massachusetts
wikipedia / 5ju989nfhs50 / CC BY 3.0

Waterfall in Massachusetts. Royalston Falls is a 50 foot waterfall and granite gorge located in Royalston, Massachusetts along Falls Brook, a tributary of the Tully River which in turn is a tributary of the Millers River. The falls are part of a 217-acre open space preserve acquired in 1951 by the land conservation non-profit organization The Trustees of Reservations. The 22-mile Tully Trail and the 110-mile Metacomet-Monadnock Trail, a National Recreation Trail, pass through the property.[2]

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Jacobs Hill

Nature preserve in Royalston, Massachusetts
wikipedia / John Phelan / CC BY-SA 3.0

Nature preserve in Royalston, Massachusetts. Jacobs Hill is a 173-acre open space preserve in Royalston, Massachusetts acquired in 1975 by the land conservation non-profit organization The Trustees of Reservations. The preserve includes scenic vistas, ledges, woodlands, a northern bog, and Spirit Falls, a 30 foot waterfall. The 22-mile Tully Trail passes through the property. Views from the ledges include the Berkshires as well as nearby Long Pond and the Tully River Valley, Tully Mountain, and Mount Grace.[3]

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Spirit Falls

Waterfall in Massachusetts
wikipedia / John Phelan / CC BY-SA 3.0

Waterfall in Massachusetts. Spirit Falls is a 30 foot waterfall located in the Jacobs Hill open space preserve in Royalston, Massachusetts. The preserve is managed by non-profit organization The Trustees of Reservations. The 22-mile Tully Trail passes by the falls.[4]

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