
What to See in Iga - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Iga (Japan). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Iga Ueno Castle, Ninja Museum of Igaryu, and Aekuni Shrine. Also, be sure to include Haiseiden in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Iga (Mie).

Iga Ueno Castle

Castle in Iga, Mie, Japan
wikipedia / Asturio Cantabrio / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: 上野城

Museum in a castle known for tall walls. Iga Ueno Castle, also known as Ueno Castle is a Japanese castle located in the city of Iga, Mie Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan. The castle is also called Hakuho Castle, or "White Phoenix Castle," because of its beautiful architecture and floor plan. The castle has been protected by the central government as a National Historic Site since 1967.[1]

Address: 106 Uenomarunouchi, 518-0873 Iga

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Ninja Museum of Igaryu

Museum in Iga, Mie, Japan
wikipedia / 谈天才 / CC BY 3.0

Also known as: 伊賀流忍者博物館

Museum in Iga, Mie, Japan. The Ninja Museum of Igaryu situated in a forested location in Iga, Mie Prefecture, Japan, is a museum dedicated to the history of the ninja and ninjutsu. It was established in 1964 and is located near Iga Ueno Castle. Jinichi Kawakami, who serves as the honorary director of the Iga-ryū Ninja Museum, is proclaimed to be the 21st head of Iga-ryū ninjutsu.

The museum's collection includes ancient ninjutsu writings analyzed scientifically along with ancient ninjutsu weapons. The museum has audiovisuals, models and extensive static displays of the weaponry and techniques employed by ninja. There are over 400 ninja tools on display, including shuriken used in the time of the ninja. The museum also features a model village with tours and demonstrations of its features. The museum allows visitors to throw ninja weapons and has ninja shows. It is a popular tourist attraction.

There is also a virtual version of the museum in Second Life.

On August 17, 2020, during the pre-dawn hours, thieves broke into the museum, and within three minutes, stole a 150 kg safe containing over one million yen of admission fees.[2]

Address: 117 Ueno Marunochi, 518-0873 Iga

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Aekuni Shrine

Shinto shrine in Iga, Mie, Japan
wikipedia / Saigen Jiro / Public Domain

Also known as: 敢國神社

Shinto shrine in Iga, Mie, Japan. Aekuni Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Iga, Mie Prefecture, Japan. It is the Ichinomiya of former Iga Province and claims to have been founded in the seventh century.[3]

Address: 877 Ichinomiya, 518-0003 Iga

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wikipedia / Outside147~commonswiki / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Haiseiden is a wooden building in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, commemorating the 300th anniversary of Matsuo Basho's birth. It is located in Ueno Park.

It was built in 1942, designed by architect Chuta Ito. The exterior of the building was designed by Chuta Ito based on the idea of Katsu Kawasaki, and is said to resemble the traveling figure of Matsuo Basho. The roof of the upper level represents a hat, the lower level a face, the lower level a skirt and robe, the hall a leg, and the pillars of the corridor a walking stick and legs. The lower level is octagonal in plan and the upper level is circular in plan, and the roof is cypress bark. The interior is decorated with specially selected haiku poems that will be awarded on the day of the Basho Festival.

On October 12, the anniversary of Basho's death, Iga City will hold a Basho Festival, where a life-size statue of Basho (by Katsu Kawasaki) will be unveiled, and awards will be given for outstanding haiku.

On March 19, 2008 (Heisei 20), it was designated as a Tangible Cultural Property (building) of Mie Prefecture, and in 2010 (Heisei 22), it was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.

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