
What to See in Hann. Münden - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Hann. Münden (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Bursfelde Abbey, St. Blasius, and Der Denker. Also, be sure to include Public library in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Hann. Münden (Lower Saxony).

Bursfelde Abbey

Monastery in Hann. Münden, Germany
wikipedia / Heinrich Stürzl / CC BY-SA 3.0

Monastery in Hann. Münden, Germany. Bursfelde Abbey is a former Benedictine monastery located in Bursfelde, a hamlet which for administrative purposes is included in the municipality of nearby Hannoversch Münden in Lower Saxony, Germany. Today the abbey church and its estate cover a site of approximately 300 hectares which is administered by the Klosterkammer Hannover, a body that operates under the auspices of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Arts and the Sciences to look after reassigned or disused ecclesiastical buildings and other heritage properties in the region. The legal owner of the Bursfelde Monastery Complex is the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover.[1]

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St. Blasius

St. Blasius
wikipedia / Rabanus Flavus / Public Domain

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Blasius is a listed church building in Hann. Münden, a town in the district of Göttingen. The three-nave, Gothic hall church stands in the middle of the old town, surrounded by historic houses.

Address: Ziegelstraße 16, 34346 Hann. Münden

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Der Denker

Der Denker
wikipedia / Michael32710 / Public Domain

Heinz Detlef Wüpper was a German master potter and sculptor. He was a student of the Berlin, Königsberg and Kassel sculptor Professor Erich Schmidt-Kestner.

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Public library

Public library
facebook / stadtbuecherei.hann.muenden / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Stadtbücherei


Address: Schloßplatz 5, Hann. Münden

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