
What to See in Feucht - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 8 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Feucht (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Hermann-Oberth-Raumfahrt-Museum, Herz-Jesu, and Zeidelmuseum. Also, be sure to include St. James's Church in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Feucht (Bavaria).


Museum in Feucht, Germany
wikipedia / Timberwind / Public Domain

Museum in Feucht, Germany. The Hermann Oberth Space Travel Museum is a museum of space technology in the Franconian city of Feucht in Bavaria, Germany.

It commemorates the life work of the famous visionary and rocket pioneer Hermann Oberth. Exhibits include a Kumulus rocket and a Cirrus rocket, which were developed at the beginning of the 1960s by the Hermann Oberth Society and launched near Cuxhaven, Germany. A Swiss Zenit sounding rocket is also on display in front of the museum.

The long-time chair person of the museum, Karl-Heinz Rohrwild, served together with Oberth's daughter as expert and interview partner on early rocket and spaceflight technology for the documentary "Das RAK-Protokoll" on Opel RAK, the world's first rocket program, and Oberth's influence on key Opel RAK people like his student Max Valier and Fritz von Opel.[1]

Address: Pfinzingstr. 12-14, 90537 Feucht

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wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY 3.0


Address: Untere Kellerstraße 6, 90537 Feucht

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wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY 3.0


Address: 4 Pfinzing straße, Feucht

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St. James's Church

St. James's Church
wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY 3.0


Address: Hauptstraße 64, Feucht

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Museum in Feucht, Germany
wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY-SA 3.0

Museum in Feucht, Germany. Pfinzing Castle or Mornek Castle is one of three preserved castles of the Nuremberg patriciate in Feucht, along with the Tucherschloss and the Zeidlerschloss. The Castle has been owned and used by the market town of Feucht since 1988. Concerts and art exhibitions are held in the entrance hall.[2]

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wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Zeidlerschloss, also called Schloss im Kartäuserweiher, is one of three surviving castles of the Nuremberg patriciate in Feucht, along with the Pfinzingschloss and the Tucherschloss. The castle has been owned by the market town of Feucht since 1976. In 2009/2010, the castle was extensively renovated and an extension was added for fire protection reasons. It is used for events and the Markt Feucht rents it out for family celebrations and festivities.

The garden of the castle may not be entered after dark.

Since April 1996, a Klapotetz, a clattering windmill typical of the southern Styrian partner community of Leutschach (see picture), has adorned the garden of the castle.

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Hermann Oberth Denkmal

Hermann Oberth Denkmal
wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY 3.0


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wikipedia / Derzno / CC BY-SA 3.0

Tuchare Castle-a Renaissance building, located in Feucht at the western-south ends of the Hersbrucker Alb hills.

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