
What to See in Chino - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Chino (Japan). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Togariishi Museum of Jōmon Archaeology, Chino Cultural Complex, and Suwa Province. Also, be sure to include Tokyo University of Science in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Chino (Nagano).

Togariishi Museum of Jōmon Archaeology

wikipedia / Takuma-sa / CC BY-SA 3.0

Museum. The Togariishi Museum of Jōmon Archaeology is a municipal museum located in the city of Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, specializing in artifacts of the Jōmon period.[1]

Address: 4734-132 Toyohira, 391-0213 Chino

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Chino Cultural Complex

Chino Cultural Complex
facebook / chinoshiminkan / CC BY-SA 3.0

Concerts and shows, Museum

Address: 1-1-1 Tsukahara, 391-0002 Chino

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Suwa Province

Suwa Province
wikipedia / Yosemite~commonswiki / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: 諏方国

Suwa Prefecture is an old province in the area of Nagano Prefecture.

It was located in the Tōsandō region of central Honshu. According to the old history book Shoku Nihongi, it was established on June 26 of 721 and abolished on March 3 of 731 (old Japanese calendar's date). Neither the location of the capital nor the exact border with Shinano is known.[2]

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Tokyo University of Science

Private university in Chino, Japan
wikipedia / Lusheeta / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: 公立諏訪東京理科大学

Private university in Chino, Japan. Tokyo University of Science, Suwa is a formerly private university now public in Chino, Nagano, Japan. The school opened as a junior college in 1990. It became a four-year college in 2002. Beginning in April 2018, the university became a public corporation.[3]

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