
What to See in Berchtesgaden - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Berchtesgaden (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Dokumentation Obersalzberg, Almbachklamm, and Untersberg. Also, be sure to include The Eagle's Nest in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Berchtesgaden (Bavaria).

Dokumentation Obersalzberg

Museum in Berchtesgaden, Germany
wikipedia / MKBam / CC BY-SA 4.0

Museum on history of National Socialism. Dokumentation Obersalzberg is a museum in the Obersalzberg resort near Berchtesgaden, providing information on the use of the mountainside retreat by Nazi leaders, especially Hitler who regularly spent time in this area beginning in 1928. The museum was opened in 1999, and by 2007 had been visited by more than one million people.[1]

Address: Salzbergstraße 41, 83471 Berchtesgaden

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wikipedia / Unknown author / Public Domain

Almbachklamm is a gorge between Ettenberg and Maria Gern in the Berchtesgaden Alps, which has the Almbach stream flowing through it.

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Massif in Germany
wikipedia / MatthiasKabel / CC BY-SA 3.0

Massif in Germany. The Untersberg is the northernmost massif of the Berchtesgaden Alps, a prominent spur straddling the border between Berchtesgaden, Germany and Salzburg, Austria. The highest peak of the table-top mountain is the Berchtesgaden Hochthron at 1,973 metres.

The landmark gained international fame as the "distinctive, lopsided peak" featured at the beginning and end of the 1965 movie The Sound of Music, although the filming was done on the German side, not the Austrian side. It was where Julie Andrews sang The Hills Are Alive at the opening scene and where the family climbed the mountain on their escape to Switzerland at the end of the film.

The mountain also lends its name to an 1829 opera, Der Untersberg, by Johann Nepomuk von Poißl (1783–1865).[2]

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The Eagle's Nest

Building in Berchtesgaden, Germany
wikipedia / Petriukas / CC BY-SA 4.0

Building in Berchtesgaden, Germany. The Kehlsteinhaus is a Nazi-constructed building erected atop the summit of the Kehlstein, a rocky outcrop that rises above Obersalzberg near the town of Berchtesgaden, in southeastern Germany. It was used exclusively by members of the Nazi Party for government and social meetings. It was visited on 14 documented instances by Adolf Hitler. Today, it is open seasonally as a restaurant, beer garden, and tourist site.[3]

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Haus der Berge

Haus der Berge
wikipedia / Nationalpark Berchtesgaden / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Haus der Berge in Berchtesgaden is the central information and education center of the Berchtesgaden National Park. It is supplemented by five decentralized national park information points at the major national park entrances, such as the Klausbachhaus and within the national park.

Address: Hanielstrasse 7, 83486 Berchtesgaden

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Berchtesgaden Provostry

Berchtesgaden Provostry
wikipedia / Mg-k / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Fürstpropstei Berchtesgaden

Berchtesgaden Provostry or the Prince-Provostry of Berchtesgaden was an immediate principality of the Holy Roman Empire, held by a canonry led by a Prince-Provost.[4]

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Enzianbrennerei Grassl

Enzianbrennerei Grassl
wikipedia / Urfin7 / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Grassl Gentian Distillery in Berchtesgaden is the oldest gentian distillery in Germany.

Address: Salzburger Str. 105, 83471 Berchtesgaden

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Maria Gern

Maria Gern
wikipedia / Susanne Tofern / CC BY-SA 2.0

The pilgrimage church of Maria Gern is a Roman Catholic pilgrimage church in the market town of Berchtesgaden in Upper Bavaria. It belongs to the Berchtesgaden parish of St. Andrew in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

Address: Kirchplatz Gern 3, 83471 Berchtesgaden

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wikipedia / Frühstücksdrache / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Wimbachklamm is a gorge extending for about 200 meters, cut by the torrent Wimbach in Ramsau near Berchtesgaden in Bavaria. It is located in the Berchtesgaden National Park at the narrowing exit of the Wimbach Valley.

The short gorge section of the valley is recorded as geotope no. 172R018 (see list of geotopes in the Berchtesgadener Land district).

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Watzmann Therme Berchtesgaden

Watzmann Therme Berchtesgaden
facebook / watzmanntherme / CC BY-SA 3.0


Address: Bergwerkstr. 54, 83471 Berchtesgaden

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wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Mountain. Obersalzberg is a mountainside retreat situated above the market town of Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, Germany. Located about 120 kilometres south-east of Munich, close to the border with Austria, it is best known as the site of Adolf Hitler's former mountain residence, the Berghof, and of the mountaintop Kehlsteinhaus, popularly known in the English-speaking world as the "Eagle's Nest". All of the Nazi buildings were demolished in the 1950s but the relevant past of the area is the subject of the Dokumentationszentrum Obersalzberg museum which opened in 1999.[5]

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