
What to See in Alsdorf - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 4 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Alsdorf (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Linkens Mühle, Kellersberger Mühle, and Tierpark Alsdorfer Weiher. Also, be sure to include Alsdorfer Burg in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Alsdorf (North Rhine-Westphalia).

Linkens Mühle

Linkens Mühle
wikipedia / / CC BY-SA 3.0

Linkens Mühle was a watermill on the Broicher Bach stream in the town of Alsdorf in the Aachen city region of North Rhine-Westphalia in the Cologne administrative district.

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Kellersberger Mühle

Kellersberger Mühle
wikipedia / / CC BY-SA 3.0

Kellersberger Mühle is a former watermill on the Broicher Bach stream in the town of Alsdorf in the Aachen city region of North Rhine-Westphalia in the Cologne administrative district.

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Tierpark Alsdorfer Weiher

Tierpark Alsdorfer Weiher
wikipedia / Andreas Hörstemeier / CC BY-SA 2.0

Alsdorfer Weiher Zoo is part of the Broichbachtal recreational area and is located in Alsdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia. The area covers 30 hectares and has an animal population of 300 animals in 30 different species.

At the instigation of Helmut Eckert, who was the city director of Alsdorf from 1951 to 1975, the zoo was built in the 1960s between the district of Ofden and the federal highway 57, opened in 1967 and has been increasingly enlarged since then. Furthermore, Helmut Eckert founded the Alsdorf Zoo Association in 1969, of which he was later an honorary member.

The zoo also includes a recreational area that has a climbing playground with a climbing pyramid built in 2012 and a climbing frame in the shape of a ship. The site of the current climbing ship was occupied by the steam locomotive Anna 9 of the Eschweiler Bergwerks-Verein from 1973 to February 2017. This steam locomotive of the type Krupp Hannibal, factory number 1845, built in 1939, was used at the Anna mine from 1959 to 1972. Until the end of 2015, there was also a steam roller of the Ruthemeyer-Werke company in the immediate vicinity. Furthermore, there are two kiosks, a skater track and a restaurant.

On the other side of Theodor-Seipp-Strasse, at the Kahnweiher, is the Boots-House. This includes a beach bar with rentable event location, a pedal boat and BBQ boat rental and the adventure mini golf course opened in summer 2017. There is also a barbecue area above the barge pond, which can be rented. The former mini-golf facility above the Boat House was demolished in late 2018.

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Alsdorfer Burg

Alsdorfer Burg
wikipedia / Sir Gawain / CC BY-SA 3.0

Alsdorf Castle stands in the center of Alsdorf in the Aachen city region. In the 15th century it was a typical Rhenish moated castle, which was expanded and rebuilt into a castle during the Renaissance as well as the Baroque period, making it the representative center of the large Alsdorf dominion.

Four families have shaped the history of the site since the 12th century: Beginning with the von Lovenberg family, the site was subsequently owned by the von Hoemen and von Harff families and passed via them to the von Blanckarts before the town of Alsdorf became the owner in 1935. Today, the main building houses municipal facilities and, together with the two preserved outer buildings, has been listed as a historical monument since October 17, 1984. The park is open to the public free of charge.

Address: Burgstraße 17, 52477 Alsdorf, Alsdorf

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