
What to See in Spree Forest - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 11 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Spree Forest (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Wehlaberg, Köthener See, and Luchsee. Also, be sure to include Slawenburg Raddusch in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Spree Forest (Brandenburg).


Hill in Germany
wikipedia / Botaurus / Public Domain

Hill in Germany. Wehlaberg is a hill in Brandenburg, Germany.[1]

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Köthener See

Lake in Germany
wikipedia / Botaurus-stellaris / CC BY-SA 3.0

Lake in Germany. Köthener See is a lake in Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald, Brandenburg, Germany. It lies at an elevation of 43 m, and has a surface area of 1.48 km². It is located in the municipality of Märkisch Buchholz, Dahme-Spreewald district.[2]

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Lake in Germany
wikipedia / Botaurus stellaris / CC BY-SA 3.0

Lake in Germany. Luchsee is a lake in Brandenburg, Germany. It lies at an elevation of 52.7 m and has a surface area is 7.2 ha. It is located in the municipality of Krausnick-Groß Wasserburg, close to the Krausnick hills.[3]

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Slawenburg Raddusch

Slawenburg Raddusch
wikipedia / Pudelek / CC BY-SA 3.0

Radusz - reconstruction of the Slavic Lusatian castle from 1000 years ago.

Address: Zur Slawenburg 1, 03226 Raddusch

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Dahme Flood Relief Canal

Canal in Germany
wikipedia / Author / Public Domain

Also known as: Dahme-Umflutkanal

Canal in Germany. The Dahme Flood Relief Canal, or Dahme-Umflutkanal in German, is a canal in the German state of Brandenburg. Its principal purpose is to divert water from the upper reaches of the River Spree just below Leibsch, to run into the River Dahme at Märkisch Buchholz.

The canal is entered from the River Spree by a lock and is navigable downstream to Märkisch Buchholz. A weir here prevents direct access to the River Dahme, but a small inclined plane allows canoes and small craft to by-pass the weir near Märkisch Buchholz.

The canal is 9.5 kilometres (5.9 mi) in length, and at about its midpoint crosses the Köthener See.[4]

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Kirche St. Nikolai

Kirche St. Nikolai
wikipedia / Olaf Meister / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Mikołaj - a Protestant church located in the center of Lübbenau/Spreewald, at Kirchplatz, which is the city market.

The temple was built in the years 1738-1741, in the place of an earlier church, which was already in this place in the 15th century. The designer of the facility was Gottfried Fdeisen. The church is considered one of the most valuable Baroque Brandenburg temples (example of the so -called Dresden Baroque). It has rococo interior equipment. The tower was built in 1777-1778. It is 60 meters high and is visible from distant city around the city, constituting a landmark. The foundations of the church are partly based on wooden piles, and partly on field boulders.

The figure of Christian Friedrich Stempel (Kita Fryca Stempel, 1787-1867)-a Lower Sorian priest-poet was associated with the church.

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Tower in Burg, Germany
wikipedia / Radler59 / CC BY-SA 4.0

Tower in Burg, Germany. The Bismarckturm is a 28 metre high Bismarck monument. It is located on the Schlossberg north of Burg.[5]

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Krausnick hills

Krausnick hills
wikipedia / Marathoni62 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Also known as: Krausnicker Berge

The Krausnick hills are a small range of hills in Eastern Germany in the federal state of Brandenburg.[6]

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wikipedia / Olaf Meister / CC BY-SA 3.0

Sankt Pankratius is the Protestant church of the Steinkirchen district, which belongs to the city of Lübben. The church is one of the oldest churches in Lower Lusatia.

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wikipedia / Olaf Meister / CC BY-SA 3.0

The willow castle - Arena Salix is a structure created from live willow rods in the Spreewald town of Burg.

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Schinkelkirche Straupitz

Schinkelkirche Straupitz
wikipedia / Olaf Meister / CC BY-SA 3.0


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More Ideas on Where To Go and What To See

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