
What to See in Bad Grund - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 5 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Bad Grund (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Iberg Dripstone Cave, Hübichenstein, and Arboretum Bad Grund. Also, be sure to include Bergbaumuseum Schachtanlage Knesebeck in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Bad Grund (Lower Saxony).

Iberg Dripstone Cave

wikipedia / Rainer Lippert / Public Domain

Also known as: Iberger Tropfsteinhöhle

Museum. The Iberg Dripstone Cave is a public cave and geology museum in southern Lower Saxony near Bad Grund, Germany. It is located on the western edge of the Harz mountains in the 563-metre-high Iberg mountain at a height of 440 metres above sea level in the chalk of an upper Devonian atoll reef. The actual dripstone cave is 123 metres long. With its 78-metre-long Captain Spatzier Gallery, the Yellow Climb and two other caverns, the total length of the cave is 300 metres.

Between 2006 and 2008, the cave was turned into a 'cave experience centre' with the three main themes of "Fascination Cave" "The oldest family in the world" and "A reef on a journey".[1]

Address: An der Tropfsteinhohle 1, 37539 Bad Grund

Open in:


Mountain in Germany
wikipedia / Traveler100 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Mountain in Germany. The Hübichenstein is an unusual rock formation in the Harz mountains, 50 meters in height, located on highway B242 about one kilometer northwest of Bad Grund, Lower Saxony, Germany. In 1897 it was crowned with a monument to Kaiser Wilhelm I, in the shape of an eagle with three-meter wingspan.[2]

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Arboretum Bad Grund

Hiking area in Bad Grund, Germany
wikipedia / BRFBlake / CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as: WeltWald Harz

Hiking area in Bad Grund, Germany. The WeltWald Harz up to 2009 Arboretum Bad Grund, also known as Exotenwald and sometimes called the Arboretum des Forstamtes Grund or the Forstaboretum der Niedersächsischen Landesforstverwaltung, is an arboretum located along the B 242 federal highway near the Hübichenstein, northwest of Bad Grund, Lower Saxony, Germany. It is open daily without charge.

The arboretum was established in 1971 by the Niedersächsisches Forstamt Riefensbeek (Riefensbeek office of the Lower Saxon Forestry Commission), with first plantings in 1975. By 1987 a total of 84,890 trees and shrubs had been planted on 65 hectares, including fir (30 species), spruce (25), maple (14), birch (10), and oak (8). Today it contains about 600 species of woody plants from Asia, Europe, North America, and Siberia, organized by geographic region, with a number of walking paths.[3]

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Bergbaumuseum Schachtanlage Knesebeck

Bergbaumuseum Schachtanlage Knesebeck
wikipedia / Matthias Becker / CC BY-SA 3.0

Natural history museum, Specialty museum, History museum, Museum

Address: Knesebecker Weg 1, 37539 Bad Grund

Open in:

St. Antonius Kirche

St. Antonius Kirche
wikipedia / Torbenbrinker / CC BY-SA 3.0

St. Anthony's Church is an Evangelical Lutheran church in Bad Grund. The miner's church is clad in slate on the outside and has a wooden barrel vault on the inside. It is equipped with a gallery.

Address: Markt 18, 37539 Bad Grund (Harz)

Open in:

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