
What to See in Altenburg - Top Sights and Attractions

Discover 9 hidden attractions, cool sights, and unusual things to do in Altenburg (Germany). Don't miss out on these must-see attractions: Landestheater, Lindenau-Museum, and Inselzoo. Also, be sure to include Residenzschloss Altenburg in your itinerary.

Below, you can find the list of the most amazing places you should visit in Altenburg (Thuringia).


wikipedia / Dundak / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Landestheater Altenburg is a multi-partstheatre in Altenburg and part of the Theater Altenburg-Gerade. The venues used are the Großes Haus with 500 seats as well as the Heizhaus and the Theater unterm Dach. The general director and managing director since 2011 is Kay Kuntze.[1]

Address: Theaterplatz 19, 04600 Altenburg

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Museum in Altenburg, Germany
wikipedia / Wenzel

Museum in Altenburg, Germany. The Lindenau-Museum is an art museum in Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany. It originated as the house-museum of baron and collector Bernhard August von Lindenau. The building was completed in 1876.

The museum's main attraction is its collection of Italian paintings from the late Gothic and early Renaissance age (13th–15th centuries), which are among the largest outside Italy. The artworks include Filippo Lippi's St. Jerome in Penance, Sandro Botticelli's Portrait of Caterina Sforza and a predella panel by Fra Angelico. It also keeps ancient antiquities and modern works, and has a library.

The museum is a member of the Konferenz Nationaler Kultureinrichtungen, a union of more than twenty cultural institutions in the former East Germany.[2]

Address: Gabelentzstraße 5, 04600 Altenburg

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facebook / Ruderbootverleih / CC BY-SA 3.0

Zoo, Aquarium

Address: Teichpromenade 31, 04600 Altenburg

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Residenzschloss Altenburg

Residenzschloss Altenburg
wikipedia / WikiABG / CC BY-SA 2.5

Forts and castles

Address: Schloß 2-4, 04600 Altenburg

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wikipedia / WikiABG / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Mauritianum is a natural history museum in Altenburg.

Address: Parkstraße 1, 04600 Altenburg

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Rote Spitzen

Rote Spitzen
wikipedia / WikiABG / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Red Spires are a double tower and the landmark of the former residential town of Altenburg in the Free State of Thuringia. They once belonged to the Church of St. Mary of the Augustinian Canons Regular of Our Lady on the Mountain outside Altenburg, which was founded in 1165. The Red Spires have been recognized as a nationally significant cultural monument since 2006.

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wikipedia / WikiABG / CC BY-SA 2.5


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wikipedia / WikiABG / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Nikolaikirche is located in Altenburg in the district of Altenburger Land in Thuringia.

The church was a Romanesque fortified church from the 13th century.

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Bismarckturm Altenburg

Bismarckturm Altenburg
wikipedia / Lucas Friese / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Bismarck Tower in Altenburg is an observation tower built in 1914-1915 in the south of the East Thuringian skat and residence town on Zwickauer Straße. The Bismarck towers erected throughout Germany commemorated Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who was revered as the initiator of the founding of the German Empire in 1871. In 1948, the structure was renamed the Tower of Youth. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the structure officially regained the name Bismarck Tower.

Address: Zwickauer Straße, Altenburg

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